Firewood Program

Wood generated by the City of Boulder’s forest management operations is made available to contract-holding members of the public.

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The South Boulder Creek West woodlot is open for the season.

Wood generated by the City of Boulder’s forest management operations is made available to contract-holding members of the public at two locations:

  • OSMP South Boulder Creek West Trailhead - typically green ponderosa pine
  • Parks & Recreation Forestry Lot (adjacent to free mulch pile) - primarily hardwood, may be green or dry

The wood is available on a first-come, first-served basis and supply cannot be guaranteed. Permit holders should be prepared to cut wood into a more transportable size.

To participate in the firewood program, users must:

  • Review and acknowledge the terms of the 2024 contract online PDF, by clicking the 'Purchase Your Woodlot Permit' link above.
  • Pay the $15 administrative fee by credit card online (a $1.00 surcharge will be added). At this time, the Open Space & Mountain Parks administrative office remains closed to the public.

Once the above requirements are met, contract holders will receive a confirmation email with the gate access code to both woodlot locations. The contract allows users to access and collect firewood during the following hours:

OSMP South Boulder Creek West Trailhead (open April 1 through November 30), 1401 South Foothills Highway, Boulder:

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10 am to 5 pm
  • Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
  • These hours and dates are limited to avoid noise and impacts to surrounding neighbors

Parks & Recreation Forestry Lot (open year-round), 5200 Pearl Parkway, Boulder:

  • Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm
  • Saturdays from 9am to 2pm


While a parking permit is NOT required inside the woodlot area while collecting firewood, all motor vehicles not registered in Boulder County must have either a daily or an annual parking permit to park at the South Boulder Creek West trailhead parking lot.