Contact Corina Marin


The CDAC provides recommendations to the city manager on awarding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for eligible activities, including the capital improvement needs of community agencies serving primarily low- and moderate-income households, and provides direction and advice to city staff on other matters related to community development funding.

The committee shall be composed of no more than five (5) members. Members shall be appointed by the city manager. Some members should have experience in human services, finance and construction. At least one member should represent low-income people. Current or recent (past six months) staff or board members of applicant agencies are not eligible for membership.

Representation on the committee shall reflect the make-up of the community. Economic, racial, gender, education and age diversity, among other characteristics, shall be considered in appointing committee members.

Members are not required to reside in the city of Boulder. Members shall be appointed to serve for one three-year term, which may be renewed for an additional three-year term. Members may serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered to provide for regular turnover. Terms will end annually on June 30 and begin on July 1.


Erik Johnson

CDAC Member (1st term)

2022 - 2025

Kiva Stram

CDAC Member (2nd term)

2022 - 2025

Danielle Staunton

CDAC Member (1st term)

2023 - 2026

Renee Gallegos

CDAC Member (1st term)

2023 - 2026

Anita Speirs

CDAC Member (1st term)

2023 - 2026

Apply for the CDAC

How It Works

  • Applications for the CDAC are currently open for positions that start in July 2023
  • The term is three years

More Information