Cannabis Licensing Advisory Board Meeting

The Cannabis Licensing Advisory Board meets the first Monday of the month at 3 p.m. as a virtual hearing.

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Meeting ID: 951 8291 7090

Passcode: 177891

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Cannabis Licensing Advisory Board Meeting 08/02/2021 17:00 08/02/2021 15:00 America/Denver <p class="address" translate="no"><span class="locality">Boulder</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CO</span><br> <span class="country">United States</span></p> MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE



To promote the City of Boulder community’s interests and values in the local regulation of cannabis, while considering the downstream consequences of such regulations on the community and on public health and safety and while supporting economic development and congruence between local ordinances and state laws.

  1. Agenda Item
  • Instructions for Virtual Meeting and Rules of Decorum
  • Member roll call
  • Approval of Cannabis Licensing and Advisory Board meeting minutes from July 6, 2021

  1. General Public Comments for the Board
  • Public Comments will be limited up to 3 minutes per speaker

3. CDOT Presentation - Sgt. Jeremiah Sharp, CDPS-Impaired Driving

4. Summary of State Hospitality Provisions and next steps for Discussion of Marijuana Hospitalit

5. Policy Suggestion Forms Received for the August Meeting

6. Matters from the Senior Counsel

  1. Matters from the Regulatory Licensing Office
  • Notices to Businesses and Enforcement
  • CLAB Retreat Planning – timeframe
  • Future CLAB meetings in virtual or in person format
  • Marijuana License Applications - pre-planning
  • September CLAB Meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, due to the Labor Day Holiday
  1. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Board


Public Comment at Meetings

If you wish to complete and submit a CLAB agenda suggestion form, please complete the following CLAB Suggestion Form and email it to the city liaison with the Regulatory Licensing Division at

Suggestion forms must be received by email no later than 5 p.m. on the deadline day for the corresponding hearing dates. Maintenance of this deadline schedule is necessary to ensure the timing of corrected documents, Board notification, and proper public notice in accordance with the Cannabis Licensing and Advisory Board rules.