- Staff Liaison: Cris Jones, Director of Community Vitality, jonesc@bouldercolorado.gov, 303-413-7302
Meeting Details:
- The meeting link will be posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting and the information below will be active.
Join Downtown Management Commission Meeting
- Webinar ID, if needed: 842 4590 0558
1.Roll Call
2. Procedural Items
- A. Approval of the September 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes
- B. Elections for Chair, Vice-Chair
- C. Approval of Proposed 2024 DMC Meeting Dates
3. Public Participation
4. Consent Agenda – Topics will not be discussed unless there are questions posed by the Commission. Please reference the consent agenda memo.
5. Fund Financials– The fund will not be discussed unless there are questions posed by the Commission. Please reference the packet attachment.
6. Public Safety Update
7. Downtown Boulder Partnership Update
8. Matters from Staff
- A. Gateless Garages Update
- B. DMC Commissioner Recruitment Questions
9. Matters from Commissioners
- Downtown Boulder Partnership Meeting Recap
10. Adjourn