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Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC) Meeting 09/18/2024 11:15 09/18/2024 09:00 America/Denver MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE


Landmarks Board Members: John Decker, Chelsea Castellano and Renee Golobic
Staff: Marcy Gerwing, Clare Brandt, Aubrey Noble, and/or Meron Shiferaw

Non-Designated Demolition Review Application:

9:00 am

Address: 3132 8th Street

Case #: HIS2024-00202

Owner: Long Linn

Applicant: Andrew Stevens

Request: Full demolition of house and accessory buildings constructed in 1920.

Landmark Alteration Certificate Application(s):

9:30 am

Address: 2548 6th St.

Case #: HIS2024-00213

Owner: Jan Stenflo

Applicant: Jan Stenflo

Request: Proposal to install A/C compressor on street-facing wall.

10:00 am

Address: 1105 Spruce Street

Case #: HIS2023-00192

Owner: James Dixon

Applicant: Kari Whitman

Request: Review of Landmarks Board conditions.

10:30 am

Address: 946 Spruce Street

Case #: HIS2024-00212

Owner: Marybeth Emerson

Applicant: Laura Baker/ Luke Sanzone

Request: Proposal to install dark-sky compliant lanterns on LAC-approved perimeter wall.

10:45 am

Address: 527 Maxwell Avenue

Case #: HIS2024-00209

Owner: Debra Dunn

Applicant: Ned Harris

Request: Proposal for extensive landscaping and hardscaping changes.