Meeting Info

Date: Feb 3, 2025, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Location: Zoom


  • Advisory Panel Members: Wayne Seltzer, Pat Hillmeyer, Brian Lindoerfer, George Craft, Peter Lilienthal, Justin Brant, Bryn Grunwald, Julie Zahniser and Jonathan Singer; Regrets: Amanda Meader, Stephanie Hsiung
  • Xcel Energy: Nicholas Cole
  • City of Boulder: Carolyn Elam, Emily Sandoval and Lex Telischak
  • Institute for the Built Environment: Josie Plaut, Facilitator; Emma Castiblanco, Recorder
  • Members of the public: Up to six members of the public were present for at least a portion of the meeting.

Meeting Summary

Carolyn began the meeting with an update on panel recruitment (in progress). Josie provided a review of the new Advisory Panel meeting structure (shorter, more frequent, focused on a single topic, and focused on panel input instead of updates). Carolyn provided an overview of the March 13th Council study session structure and process.

Successes and Challenges of the Partnership Since 2021

  • The advisory board has served as a valuable sounding board, but there was frustration around how much the panel is influencing decisions.
  • Recognition that the panel made it clear that RECs were not an acceptable means to achieve Boulder’s 100% renewable electricity goal.
  • The partnership has provided some tangible progress, such as improvements on Pearl Street, but more work is needed.
  • The relationship between Boulder and Xcel is generally seen as productive, while progress is slow.
  • The work plan document is valuable and should continue to be updated and used to track partnership progress.
  • Recognition that large entities don’t move very fast, but we need to move faster.

Considerations for continuing the partnership for another five years


  • Continuing the franchise agreement is seen as a way to maintain momentum and leverage Xcel’s resources. Xcel is seen as having the resources to support decarbonization more easily than Boulder could on its own.
  • Exiting the partnership would be disruptive, distracting and expensive.
  • Concerns that Boulder doesn’t have the capacity and resources to run the electric utility.


  • There are concerns about the city’s limited influence over Xcel’s actions under the franchise model.
  • Questions remain about how Xcel will respond to federal climate commitments and future energy transitions, especially considering the recent administration change.
    • Uncertainty exists around funding availability for Xcel’s renewable energy projects as related to the changing political climate.
  • Some noted an inherent conflict between promoting rooftop solar and impacts on Xcel’s bottom

Additional Comments and Questions

  • There is a question about what a franchise agreement would look like without the partnership.
  • Would like to see a public display and smart phone app that demonstrates when the grid is powered by renewable energy to encourage lower-carbon charging of EVs and use of electric appliances.
  • Suggestion that a city council member periodically attend an advisory panel meetings.
  • More community engagement is desired to bolster the partnership if the franchise continues.

Priorities for the Next Five Years of the Partnership and Community/City Needs

  • Achieve carbon-free electricity by 2030. Establish clear milestones and strategies to reach goal and track progress.
  • Improve public awareness and engagement with partnership efforts - inform the public on how the partnership has been doing and the plans from the partnership for meeting Boulder’s goals.
  • Emphasize resilience planning, including responses to power shutoffs.
    • Many residents might be acutely aware of the recent shutoff experience.
  • Ensure Boulder remains a leader in clean energy, especially as federal efforts lag.
  • Explore innovative energy plans within the franchise agreement.

Information and Transparency Needs

  • Progress Tracking: A Dashboard to monitor Xcel’s progress toward clean energy goals. The Advisory Board feels strongly about the importance of a Dashboard.
  • Public Engagement: A public meeting to share updates and gather input, including opening a session to the public to garner feedback on whether to continue franchise and partnership agreement with Xcel.
  • Fact Sheets: Quantifiable updates (number of goals accomplished and percentage of progress) and qualitative narratives of the wins from the partnership for the public.
  • Financial Transparency: Breakdown of public spending, cost savings, and reinvestments into decarbonization.
    • Breakdown on how much the city has saved from the partnership with Xcel and how the money given to Xcel has been spent.
    • Breakdown on how much Xcel has been saved from legal disputes and how that money has been spent in decarbonization goals for Boulder.
  • Energy Cost and Availability: Xcel should provide data on when energy is cleanest and cheapest. The progress on this request has been painfully slow.

Community and Council Considerations

  • Many members felt the broader community often does not engage with energy issues unless it directly affects them.
  • The City Council has competing priorities, making it difficult to maintain focus and having the Council engage on the advantages and disadvantages of a continuation with franchise agreement.
  • Other cities like Ithaca, NY, and Ann Arbor, MI, are leading in clean energy efforts and could serve as models.
  • Public feedback is needed to determine locations for resiliency hubs.
  • The council should push for information on the state of the energy distribution system and its ability to withstand extreme weather (e.g., 100 mph winds).

Panel Members for Council Study Session

On March 13th, 2025, there will be a meeting to decide if the partnership will continue. The City Council will review whether to continue the partnership after the 5-year franchise agreement.

  • Advisory Board Members Participating at Meeting (tentatively):
    • George Craft
    • Peter Lilienthal
    • Justin Brant
    • Jonathan Singer
    • Wayne Seltzer

Upcoming Meetings

  • Public Zero Emissions Communities (ZEC) Webinar Feb 24th, 4:30-5:30pm
  • Dashboard / Newsletter AP Input Meeting: March 3rd, 4:30-5:30pm
  • April AP Meeting: April 7th, in person/hybrid, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Community Engagement & Communications, TBD
  • Grid Modernization Public Webinar, TBD