
  • RTD Access
  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Picnic Area
  • Restroom
  • Nature Play Opportunity
  • Natural Lands
  • Multi-use Path
  • Water Access

Eben G. Fine Park contains portions of the Boulder Creek and Boulder Creek Path with a variety of recreational amenities, including a playground, open turf, historic stone picnic shelter, picnic tables near the creek and access to water. Restrooms are open year-round, limited hours in fall/winter. Grilling, or any kind, is not allowed at Eben G Fine park due to the close proximity to mountains.

A multi-use pedestrian bridge over Boulder Creek connects the park to The Peoples' Crossing Trailhead and Red Rocks Trail directly to the north.


We are no longer reserving the shelter due to high park use/public use at capacity throughout the summer.
No grills are allowed at Eben G Fine park due to the close proximity to mountains.
Groups must be limited to 50 people or fewer. Glass containers, alcohol and private grills are prohibited. Practice Leave No Trace™ principles and encourages park users to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Be aware of safety conditions and fire bans - check the Boulder Office of Disaster Management

Nature Play Opportunities

Children have a variety of opportunities for nature play at Eben G. Fine Park. Boulder Creek is easily accessible for play, exploration, and observation. In addition, educational signs are posted along the Boulder Creek Path describing how to observe wildlife without disturbing their habitat and the importance of this riparian corridor. The playground also contains climbing structures and sand for free play.

History: About Eben G. Fine

Eben Givens Fine was born in Missouri in 1865. He came to Boulder in 1886 to take a job in George Fonda's drug store. In 1907, he became part owner of Temple Drug Company. Fine retired from his profession as a pharmacist in 1927, and was elected secretary of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, a position he held for many years. He was an active member of the Chamber of Commerce, serving twice as its secretary.

Fine helped raise subscriptions to build the Boulderado Hotel, and helped organize the Semi-Centennial Celebration in 1909. He was instrumental in bringing a group of Ute Indians to Boulder for the celebration. Fine lectured extensively on Boulder, making annual tours around the country to promote Boulder through slide lectures. He became the city’s biggest promoter, earning him the nickname, “Mr. Boulder.” He wrote a book of reminiscences shortly before his death called "Remembered Yesterdays." Eben G. Fine died on April 30, 1957 at the age of 91.