Ballot Measures

The following ballot measures will appear on the ballot for the Nov. 5, 2024, Special Municipal Election.

Ballot Questions

  • City of Boulder Ballot Question 2C - Council Pay
    • Ordinance 8640- A Charter Amendment to Section 7 to:
      • Increase council compensation from a stipend per meeting to an amount based on Area Medium Income (AMI) to reflect the increased quantity and complexity of council work.
  • City of Boulder Ballot Question 2D - Executive Sessions
    • Ordinance 8641- A Charter Amendment to Section 9 and adopt a new section 21A to:
      • Authorize City Council to hold executive sessions as provided by state law.
  • City of Boulder Ballot Question 2E - Boards and Commissions Charter Cleanup
    • Ordinance 8639- A Charter Amendment to Section 130 to:
      • Authorize City Council to set by ordinance the terms and criteria of board and commission members and amend the language regarding removal of board and commission members.

City Council Materials regarding Ballot Measures