Error Corrections
Table C405.5.2(3), includes duplicate rows - -> Delete the last 4 rows of the table.
(Page C-83, PDF 96)
Section R503.8, Update to read, “…Level 3 alterations shall also comply with Section C407.3 except that EUI or Performance Index (Site Energy) target shall be not greater than 125 percent of the EUI or Performance Index (Site Energy) otherwise permitted by Section C407.3.” Either modeled baseline or fixed performance target pathways are viable options.
(Page C-116, PDF 129)
Section R401.2.2, reference Table R406.2 - - > update to correct number, Table R406.1.1.
(Page R-15, PDF 186)
Table R402.1.2, Footnote e. references Section R402.2.6 - -> update to correct number, R402.2.5.
(Page R-16, PDF 187)
Section R406.1.1, #4 reference Table R406.2 - - > update to correct number, Table R406.1.1.
(Page R-28, PDF 199)
Table R408.1, Line R408.5 - - > update 15% value from ‘1‘ to ‘2’ to align with rest or credits.
(Page R-31, PDF 202)
Table R408.1, Line R408.37 - - > Delete/change ‘Passive House Certification’ to ‘Reserved’. If a project is pursuing ‘Passive House Certification’ then the additional credits wouldn’t be applicable.
(Page R-31, PDF 202)
Section R503.1, references section C503 - - > Update this to section R503.
(Page R-38, PDF 207)
Section title reads R503.25 - - > delete the 2, section should read R503.5.
(Page R-40, PDF 209)
Section R505.1, exception references section R406.34 - -> delete the 4, it should read R406.3.
(Page R-41, PDF 210)
Section R503.6, references section R403.5 - -> Update this to section R403.6