- Homeowner will work with an artist from a city-approved roster on the design for a project for the site.
- Homeowners need to demonstrate support of the project from your surrounding neighbors including adjacent properties, those across the street, and any other properties that would see the mural from their property.
- It is your responsibility to obtain written consent from adjacent property owners if the site requires artist to access adjacent property.
- Homeowners are responsible for preparing the site for the mural. This includes cleaning, repairing and/or priming the site.
- Homeowner will not interfere unreasonably during the artist’s creation of the project.
- Homeowners are responsible for protecting the mural after completion.
- Homeowner will repair the project as needed when such repair does not require the artist’s input.
- Homeowner will work with the artist if necessary to repair damages or vandalism to the project requiring the artist’s time.
- Project must remain visually accessible from the public right-of-way. Homeowner agrees not to obstruct, or allow obstruction from its property, of the project or deter public visibility.
- Within the five-year commitment term, homeowner will not intentionally destroy, alter, damage, modify or otherwise change the project in any way without the artist’s express written permission. Once the five-year term has concluded, the homeowner will make reasonable efforts to contact the artist within 30 days prior to destroying, altering, damaging, modifying or otherwise changing the project in any way.
- Homeowner is solely responsible for returning the site to its original condition at the end of five years, or longer if homeowner desires to maintain the mural after that time. Neither the City of Boulder nor artist have any such responsibility.
- Homeowner will not use artist’s name or misuse the project in a manner that would reflect negatively on the artist’s reputation or would violate the spirit of the project.
- Artist and homeowner must agree on all conditions before reproducing the project, except that the artist has all rights to reproduce in the artist’s portfolio. Homeowner may use imagery of the project for non-commercial uses. If homeowner wishes to engage in commercial gain through the project, homeowner will negotiate a licensing agreement with artist.
- Homeowner agrees that, upon completion of the project, homeowner will take full responsibility and ownership of the project. All risk in the project shall remain with the homeowner following completion of the project.
- The city encourages homeowner to have insurance to cover the project and its creation. In the event of incapacity or death of the artist, the incomplete project and materials will become the property of the homeowner. If the project is substantially complete, the homeowner may elect to complete the project with approval of the artist or artist’s estate.