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Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC) Meeting 03/06/2024 09:30 03/06/2024 09:00 America/Denver <p class="address" translate="no"><span class="locality">Boulder</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CO</span><br> <span class="country">United States</span></p> MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE


Landmarks Board Members: John Decker and Renee Golobic
Staff: Marcy Gerwing, Clare Brandt, Aubrey Noble

Historic Preservation Demolition Review Application

9 a.m.
Address:2350 Norwood Ave.
Case #:HIS2024-00037
Owner:Russell Callas
Applicant:Russell Callas
Request: Full demolition of a house constructed in 1925.