Proposed mobility improvements
- Traffic calming measures and restriping to improve bike lanes and pedestrian crossings.
- Installation of no parking signs near T-intersections, bus stops, curb ramps, crosswalks, and driveways to increase visibility and reduce conflicts in accordance with Boulder Revised Code 7-6-13.
- Bus stop relocations to improve accessibility.
- Improvements to multi-use path connections at 27th Way and Table Mesa Drive.
*Proposed concepts may change depending on funding availability and design feasibility.
Language Access
For free interpretation services, please submit your request 48 hours in advance of meeting by calling 303-441-4083. Para servicios de interpretación gratuitos, por favor haga su petición 48 horas antes de la reunión: 303-441-4083.
Project background
The Mobility Enhancements Initiative is part of the Pavement Management Program. This initiative takes advantage of cost-saving opportunities by incorporating bicycle, pedestrian and transit facility improvements into annual pavement resurfacing work to help make our streets safer. Learn more on the Pavement Management Program webpage.