While members from the Open Space Board of Trustees may meet in person, members from the public may only join virtually for this meeting. Join online meeting; Or join by phone: 1-719-359-4580; Webinar ID: 848 7948 4474
(Please note that times are approximate.)
I. (6:00) Call to Order and Roll Call
II. (6:05) Matters from the Department
- A. Fort Chambers / Poor Farm: Concept Plan Introduction
III. (7:20) Approval of the Minutes
IV. (7:25) Public Comment for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (sign up to speak on this item)
V. (7:40) Matters from the Board
- A. Trustee questions on written memo items or public comment
B. Accept OSBT response to City Council's inquiry of "what two to three community issues or opportunities are on OSBT's minds in 2024."
VI. (8:00) *Continuation of the February 22, 2024 Public Hearing to consider a request from the City of Boulder’s Utilities department to use and manage an approximately 2.2-acre portion of the Van Vleet Open Space property to construct, access, operate and maintain elements of the South Boulder Creek Flood Mitigation Project, pursuant to the disposal procedures of Article XII, Section 177 of the City of Boulder Charter, and related matters (NOTE: No additional Public Testimony will be taken)
VII. (9:15) *Request for a recommendation to City Council on the proposed annexation of approximately 4.06 acres of land located at 5600 Table Mesa Drive, currently managed as open space within Area III and designated as Open Space-Acquired (OS-A) under the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (sign up to speak on this item)
VIII. (9:35) Adjourn
*Public Hearing Item
Written Information
- A. Shanahan Tall Oatgrass Project Update