Members from the public are welcome to join this meeting either in-person or online. Join online meeting; Or join by phone: 1-719-359-4580; Webinar ID: 864 1426 0849
(Please note that times are approximate.)
I. (6:00) Call to Order and Roll Call
II. (6:05) Junior and Youth Ranger Program update (35 min)
III. (6:40) Approval of the Minutes
IV. (6:45) Public Comment for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (sign up to speak)
V. (7:00) Matters from the Board
- A. Motion to approve Consent Agenda item(s)
B. Trustee questions on Written Information items (15 min)
C. Appoint an OSBT Retreat preparation subcommittee (15 min)
VI. (7:30) * Review of and recommendation regarding the 2025 Open Space and Mountain Parks Department Capital Improvement Program Budget and 2025 Open Space and Mountain Parks Department Operating Budget (sign up to speak)
VII. (8:10) Matters from the Department
- A. Wildfire Resilient Landscapes: Community Wildfire Protection Plan Implementation Update (30 min)
B. Director verbal Updates (5 min)
VIII. (8:45) Adjourn
* Public Hearing
Consent Agenda: (no public testimony will be taken for the following item(s), though OSBT may “call up” items as they choose for further discussion):
- A. Request for a recommendation to City Council to amend Appendix 8-C in Section 8-3-7: “Regulation of Horses and Livestock”, B.R.C. 1981, to update the OSMP horse regulations boundary map; and setting forth related details
Written Information:
- A. Rocky Mountain Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association Partnership
B. Alcohol Consumption on Agricultural Properties Rule