Open Space Board of Trustees Meeting

The OSBT meetings are typically held on the second and, if necessary, the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

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Open Space Board of Trustees Meeting (Hybrid) 11/13/2024 21:00 11/13/2024 18:00 America/Denver MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE

Meeting Details

This meeting is open to the public to join either in-person or virtually. Join online meeting; Or join by phone: 1-719-359-4580; Webinar ID: 893 7872 6617

(Please note that times are approximate.)

I. (6:00) Call to Order and Roll Call

II. (6:03) Approval of the Minutes

III. (6:08) Public Comment for Items not Identified for Public Hearing
(sign up to speak)

IV. (6:20) Matters from the Board

  • A. Motion to approve consent agenda items (5 min) *
  • B. Trustee questions on Written Information items (5 min)
  • C. Post OSBT Retreat follow ups (10 minutes)

V. (6:40) Matters from the Department

  • A. OSMP's Wildlife Program Update (40 min)
  • B. Public Opinion & Visitor Experience Survey (POVES) Results and Updated Visitation Data Estimates: Part 2- Staff presentation followed by discussion on Topic areas identified at the October OSBT meeting (60 min)
  • C. Director verbal Updates (5 min):
    • a. South Boulder Creek Flood mitigation project update has been moved to February OSBT meeting
    • b. Reminder: In-person (with virtual option) Annual OSMP Prairie Dog Management Program update meeting on December 10th at OSMP Hub

VI. (8:25) Adjourn

*Consent Agenda: (no public testimony will be taken for the following items, though OSBT may “call up” items as they choose for further discussion):

  • A. Request for a recommendation to City Council to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of Boulder and the Mountain View Fire Protection District concerning the installation, use and maintenance of a firefighting cistern on City of Boulder property.

Written Information:

  • A. OSMP Design Guidelines Project Information

Speaking at OSBT Meetings

You are welcome to speak to the Open Space Board of Trustees about open space issues or any public hearing items that may be on the agenda that evening. Links to sign up for public comment ahead of time will be available under each agenda item above. Please note ahead of time sign-up will close at 5 p.m. the day of the meeting, however you are still welcome to sign-up during the meeting itself.