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Still We Rise: 3rd annual Dr. King Jr. Performance with MOTUS and The ReMINDers 01/20/2025 17:00 01/20/2025 15:00 America/Denver <p class="address" translate="no"><span class="address-line1">Dairy Arts Center</span><br> <span class="address-line2">2590 Walnut Street</span><br> <span class="locality">Boulder</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CO</span> <span class="postal-code">80302</span><br> <span class="country">United States</span></p> MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE

This event, presented by Motus Theater, will include a poem by Boulder-based poet Norma Johnson celebrating the renaming of a highway in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Motus Monologues from Black transgender, immigrant, and formerly incarcerated leaders, and music by The ReMINDers, highlighting ongoing struggles at the intersection of race, poverty, and identity. Motus Theater will also recognize key advocates in the fight to continue Dr. King's legacy. Learn more on the MOTUS Theater website.