Feldenkrais Sessions

FeldenkraisĀ® Method Functional Integration: Private Sessions

The FeldenkraisĀ® Method of private sessions are known as Functional Integration. The FeldenkraisĀ® practitioner will guide a client through movements using gentle, non-invasive touch. With guidance, the client learns where they hold specific patterns of tension, effort and pain, and how to develop new patterns that can be more comfortable, efficient and useful in daily life. Clients are fully clothed during each session while lying on a table, sitting or standing.

Where: East Age Well Center
Dates: Tuesdays
Time: 1 - 2:15 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $100/$125 (75-minute session)

Gil Kelly

Instructor Gil Kelly

Gil Kelly personally trained with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and has been practicing Functional Integration and teaching Awareness Through Movement for 40 years.

Feldenkrais Private Sessions

  • All Feldenkrais sessions take place at the East Age Well Center
  • Fees are $100/Resident and $125 Non-Resident for each 75-minute session
  • Payment must be made at the time of registration
  • Registration opens 9 a.m. the first Wednesday for appointments the following month: Registration for March appointments opens Wednesday, February 5 at 9 a.m.
  • Register in-person or call the East or West Age Well Center or visit the Activity Search webpage
  • Registration is limited to one appointment per month per person
  • See our cancellation and refund policies