Foot Care
Foot Care Appointments Provided by Visiting Nurses Association Medical foot care is provided by a registered nurse and includes toenail trim, corns and calluses filed, sensation check and blood pressure check. Two locations are available:
East Age Well Center: Wednesday, March 5, 8 a.m. - Noon
West Age Well Center: Thursday, March 20 and Monday, March 24
Cost is $55. Cash not accepted, credit card preferred but checks welcome and possibly no copay with some Kaiser plans. Call 303-698-6496 to schedule an appointment, to check your Kaiser benefits, or for additional information.
Monthly Hearing Clinics with Family Hearing
Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist Tyana Bruso of Family Hearing, holds a monthly hearing clinic at West Age Well Center to provide free services such as ear wax removal, hearing device cleanings, hearing screenings, tinnitus support, and can answer any questions related to hearing. Next Hearing Clinics are Wednesdays, March 5 and April 2 by appointment only.
Please Note: Based on professional audiology recommendations and a limited availability of appointments, Older Adult Services must now limit customer appointments for ear wax removal and hearing device cleanings to once every 3 months. To schedule an appointment call 303-441-3148 or visit the Activity Search webpage.