Older Adult Services Program Guide

City of Boulder Older Adult Services (OAS) inspires and empowers older adults to age well through community connection, learning, and play.

OAS offers a variety of in-person and online programs and services for older adults 60+.

The Meals on Wheels Eat Well Café is located in the West Age Well Center.

Use the 'JUMP TO' menu to navigate the program guide

Group of art class participants hold up their artwork

Group of art class participants hold up their artwork

Let's Age Well!

This webpage provides information about programs and services of interest to older adults aged 60+.

Register for programs online, in-person or by calling the East or West Age Well Center.

Health and Wellness Services

Individual appointments are available for the following selected health supportive programs at the Age Well Centers.

Foot Care

Visiting Nurse logo

Foot Care Appointments Provided by Visiting Nurses Association Medical foot care is provided by a registered nurse and includes toenail trim, corns and calluses filed, sensation check and blood pressure check. Two locations are available:
East Age Well Center: Wednesday, February 5, 8 a.m. - Noon
West Age Well Center: 3rd Thursdays and 4th Mondays, February 20 and 24.
Cost is $55. Cash not accepted, credit card preferred but checks welcome and possibly no copay with some Kaiser plans. Call 303-698-6496 to schedule an appointment, to check your Kaiser benefits, or for additional information.

Monthly Hearing Clinics with Family Hearing

Family Hearing logo

Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist Tyana Bruso of Family Hearing, holds a monthly hearing clinic at West Age Well Center to provide free services such as ear wax removal, hearing device cleanings, hearing screenings, tinnitus support, and can answer any questions related to hearing. Next Hearing Clinics are Wednesdays, February 5 and March 5 by appointment only.
Please Note: Based on professional audiology recommendations and a limited availability of appointments, Older Adult Services must now limit customer appointments for ear wax removal and hearing device cleanings to once every 3 months. To schedule an appointment call 303-441-3148 or visit the Activity Search webpage.

Massage & Feldenkrais

Older Adult Services contracts with licensed massage therapists to provide 1-hour massage therapy sessions for older adults 60+.
Older Adult Services contracts with a Feldenkrais® practitioner to provide individual sessions.

Health and Wellness Programs

CU Physiology of Aging Information Table and Complimentary Blood Pressure Checks

CU Physiology of Aging Lab conducts research on the effects of different lifestyle interventions on heart health and brain function in older adults (50+).
CU Lab staff will be available in the West Age Well Center lobby on Thursday, February 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. to explain the different studies to older adults who may be interested in volunteering for a study. Complimentary blood pressure checks also available during this time. Drop-in on a first-come, first-served basis.
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Thursday, February 27
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
No Fee

ThinkFirst to Prevent Falls

ThinkFirst to Prevent Falls is a class facilitated by injury prevention professionals from Intermountain Health, Boulder Fire-Rescue, and Boulder Community Health to review best practice strategies to prevent falls.
Course #40795
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Monday, March 3
Time: 1 – 3 p.m.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a practice of encouraging attention to the present moment. By allowing for awareness of what is most present now, participants will develop the capacity for increased focus, openness, and peace. Each session will include a guided meditation, with emphasis on bringing purposeful and kind attention to the experience, followed by time for reflections and questions about the practice. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome. Facilitator: Kara Traikoff, Wellness Program Specialist with Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, has a background in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and adapted mindfulness courses.
Course #40085
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Wednesday, March 5
Time: 1 - 2 p.m.
No Fee


Older adults dance to live music in the East Age Well Center ballroom

Tea Dance

Dance in a spacious ballroom to live music provided by Tom Yook, a favorite of Boulder dancers. Tom plays ballroom, rhythm, and Latin dance styles. A buffet style potluck snack is provided by the attendees. Individuals welcome, no partner or registration required.
Where: East Age Well Center
Dates: Friday, February 14
Time: 2 - 4 p.m.
Drop-in fee: $5 per person

Dance Lessons with Judy Kreith

Private dance lessons are available through Older Adult Services for individuals or couples (maximum 2 people). Styles of dance may include swing, salsa, foxtrot, waltz, line dancing, jazz and more. Where: East or West Age Well Center, by appointment. Fees: R/NR $50/$63 per hour. For information contact Maureen Dobson, Sr. Program Manager: 303-441-3012 or dobsonm@bouldercolorado.gov.

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s in Motion Project

These movement classes are for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. Classes welcome and include older adults 60+ of all abilities and care-partners. No dance experience required, class may be enjoyed seated or standing. Discover diverse dance styles to energizing and inspiring music and practical movement methods that address balance, flexibility, and confidence. Prior registration preferred, but drop-ins welcome. Instructors: Taught by dance professionals trained in the Mark Morris Dance for PD® method, part of a global network in 300+ communities.
Course #39693
Where: West Age Well Center
Dates: Weekly on Thursdays
Time: 1 - 2 p.m.

Aging in Place Resources and Programs

Community Protection Division Drop-in Office Hours

The Community Protection Division of the Boulder County District Attorney can answer questions and concerns about disputes between individual consumers and businesses including various types of scams. Older adults can meet with a Community Protection Specialist one time a month for 15-30 minutes to discuss personal situations and ask questions. Drop-in on a first-come, first-served basis, no registration required. Customers must check in at front desk. The Community Protection Specialist is not able to answer legal questions or provide legal advice.
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Monday, March 3
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

NEW! TALK LIFE: Drop-In Coaching for Advance Care Planning

The Conversation Project in Boulder County (TCPBC) assists with advance care planning through confidential, free coaching. Too often people wait for a health crisis to have a conversation about end-of-life wishes. TCPBC advocates for conversations to start early and be revisited often. TCPBC coaches offer decision support around end-of-life values and advance directives. Coaches are equipped to provide advance care planning resources for people who are healthy, facing dementia themselves or alongside of a loved one, and persons recently diagnosed with a serious illness. For more information about coaching call 720-584-5808 or go to www.theconversationprojectinboulder.org.
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 10 a.m. - noon
Drop-in on a first-come, first-served basis. Customers must check in at front desk.
No Fee

Conversations About Death

Course #39834
Where: Online
Date: 4th Tuesday, February 25
Time: 10 - 11:15 a.m.
Join end-of-life educators Diane Hullet and Margaret Kane for an open-ended conversation about death, dying and the end of life. Confidentiality and respectful discussion are the hallmarks of this monthly online program, bring curiosity, concerns, and questions.

AARP Driver Safety Course

Participants will learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to operate their vehicles more safely in today's increasingly challenging driving environment. Registration is required and space is limited. Register now by calling 303-413-7290.
Course #38936
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Thursday February 27
Time: 8:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members is paid directly to the instructor the day of the class. Cash or check only, no credit cards.

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program

The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program will offer free tax preparation and assistance on Tuesdays and Fridays at the East Age Well Center beginning February 4 through April 11, 2025.This program serves taxpayers with low and middle incomes with an emphasis on older adults and is supported through a partnership with the IRS and the AARP Foundation. Returns will be prepared by appointment only and will be completed on site at the East Age Well Center during your scheduled appointment. Please bring photo ID, a checkbook for routing and account numbers for direct deposit, Social Security cards or other documents that list full Social Security numbers for every person on your return, and all current-year tax documents (W-2, 1099, Social Security statements, year-end bank and broker statements, etc.). Last year’s tax return is very helpful but not required. Appointments can be made online on the Tax Aide website or by phone at 303-884-0610 for times between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Questions about the AARP Tax-Aide Program in Boulder can be directed to 303-440-8104.

2025 Older Adult Services Scholarship Program

The Older Adult Services Scholarship Program provides eligible applicants a $50 credit that can be used to register for Older Adult Services registered fitness, health and wellness classes, lifelong learning programs, trips, and massage for older adults. Limited scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. No application will be accepted after November 30, 2025. All scholarship funds must be used by December 23, 2025. To be eligible, applicants must be 60 years of age or older, a resident of the City of Boulder, and meet financial eligibility requirements. For more information, call 303-441-4388. Scholarship application forms are available at East and West Age Well Centers.

Case Management

Older Adult Services provides case management through a continuum of support to meet an older adult’s comprehensive needs to ensure safety, quality of life, and effective outcomes.

Counseling on options for housing, transportation, healthcare, food assistance and more are available for City of Boulder residents age 60 and older and their family caregivers.

Drop-in hours for the Older Adult Services Case Managers at the West Age Well Center are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. Check in at the front desk no later than 1:15 p.m. to be seen.

Case Managers can be reached at 303-441-4388

Lifelong Learning

NEW! Groundworks Art Lab Printmaking Class

Explore the art of printmaking in this introductory class. Each monthly session features a different print project, such as printing on paper, creating cards, or printing on fabric. Class includes instructor demonstrations and hands-on assistance designed for all levels of experience. This program is sponsored through generous community donations.

Printmaking - EAST

Course #40127
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 3
Time: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $10/$13

Printmaking - WEST

Course #39680
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Friday, February 21
Time: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $10/$13

Facilitated Dialogue: Old Ideas/New Creations

The winter theme for this dialogue group is “Old Ideas/New Creations”. Come with the intention of being kind, open, honest, present, willing to share and listen to one another. Facilitators will utilize whole-group and small-group activities and dialogues on topics identified by the group. Facilitators: Jackie Nelson, John King and Sally King bring a wide variety of skills and experience in group facilitation. 
Course #39789
Where: West Age Well Center
Dates: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, February 6 and 20
Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
No Fee

Valentine Iris Folding Card Making Class

Participants will learn an intricate paper folding technique from early 20th century Holland called “Iris Folding” to create a valentine card. Colored paper strips will be folded in half and placed one-by-one on the inside of a numbered pattern. The card will be complete when reaching the center of the pattern, known as the “iris.” Instructor Joy Weinstein, a former art teacher for Denver Public Schools, continues to teach locally and participate in art events and festivals.
Card Making Class
Course #40201
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Friday, February 7
Time: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Fee: R/NR $15/$19

Purple Art - Creative Expression

Purple Art invites participants to explore creativity through a series of mixed media art projects, encouraging free expression without judgment or prior experience. Guided by Cindy and Abby, participants receive support and enjoy a welcoming environment filled with humor and fun. Instructors: Abby Sivy and Cindy Parker are the owners of Bohemia, LLC, a local art studio that provides innovative, expressive art programs across the Front Range with older adults.
Course #39691
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 10
Time: 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $15/$19


Come prepared to write, listen, and share inner wisdom through humor, truth-telling and spirit. Facilitator: Jackie Nelson, MFA is an experienced teacher with a lifelong practice of journal writing.
Course #39790
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: 3rd Thursday, February 20
Time: 1 - 2:30 p.m.
No Fee

Groundworks Art Lab Pottery Classes

Groundworks Art Lab Boulder offers monthly hand building classes. Participants will learn about the three fundamentals of pottery to make functional and whimsical pieces: pinch pots, coils, and slabs. All materials and tools provided, and all work will be processed at the Groundworks Art Lab facility. No experience necessary.

Pottery Class EAST

Course #39685
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 10
Time: 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Fees: R/NR $10/$13

Pottery Class WEST

Course #39688
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Wednesday, February 19
Time: 1:30 – 3 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $10/$13

SPARK and Groundworks Art Lab Pottery Class

This program is designed for individuals living with neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and accompanied by a caregiver or partner. This program is sponsored through generous community donations.
Course #39791
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: 2nd Tuesdays, February 11
Time: 1 - 2:30 p.m.
No Fee


Boulder International Film Festival (BIFF) brings independent films and discussion to older adults. One week prior to the online facilitated discussion, participants will receive an email with an online link to view the film. Please watch the film beforehand, as the film will not be viewed during the online discussion.
“No Legs. All Heart” Feature Documentary 89min US / English 2023. André Kajlich seeks to become the first double amputee to complete the Race Across America—a grueling 12-day, 3,082-mile bike race. Directed by Emmy® Award-winning cinematographer Pablo Durana, and produced by Oscar®, Emmy®, and Peabody® Award-winning filmmakers Andrea Nix Fine and Sean Fine, the film explores resilience, overcoming addiction, and the challenges faced to forge a unique path in life.
Course #40288
Where: Online
Date: Tuesday, February 25
Time: 2 – 3 p.m.
No Fee

Cultivating Well-Being

Explore experience-based approaches for developing and cultivating well-being in daily life. Extensive research demonstrates that happiness and well-being may emerge out of facing anger, depression, and grief. Come with an open mind and a willingness to listen and share openly. Discussion topics will vary each session. Facilitator: Jim Kettering holds a BS in Social Science, an MA in Psychology and Counseling, and an EdD from the UNC School for Educational Change and Development.
Course #40203
Where: West Age Well Center
Dates: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, February 11 and 25
Time: 10-11:30 a.m.
No Fee

Active Minds: The European Union

Formed after World War II, the European Union established a unified trading bloc for Western Europe. Over time, the EU has expanded, encountering challenges with the integration of Central and Eastern European nations and Brexit, the first withdrawal of a member state. Examine the EU's historical roots, its development, and key issues shaping its future. Sponsored by The Pearl at Boulder Creek and Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Course #39674
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Wednesday, February 12
Time: 1 - 2 p.m.
No Fee

Active Minds: Syria

In December 2024, after more than a decade of periodic civil war in Syria, rebel forces took the capital of Damascus and ended the government of Bashar al Assad. Join Active Minds as we seek to understand Syria's complex history and how a five-decade long Assad dictatorship could end in the course of a few days. Sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Course #39673
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 24
Time: 3 - 4 p.m.
No Fee

Colored Pencil Drawing Basics with OSMP: Birds

Receive guided instruction in studying and drawing birds using colored pencils. Basic art materials provided. No experience necessary. Instructor: OSMP Naturalist Linda Gerstle. Course #40111
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 24
Time: 9 a.m. – noon
No Fee

Meetup: NAACP Presents Cleo Robinson Dance Ensemble at Macky Auditorium

Using the universal language of dance, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance honors the African Diaspora, explores the human condition, champions social justice, unites people of all ages and races, and ultimately celebrates the complexity of life through movement.
Course #40797
Where: Macky Auditorium
Date: Sunday, February 16
Time: 3 – 5:30 p.m.
No Fee

NEW! Life Stories by Pat Peterson: Stories of Survival

Pat has lived a life of adventures and amazing encounters. This month, Pat’s stories will include a rowboat rescue on the Atlantic Ocean, scuba challenges in the Puget Sound and beyond, a Grand Canyon rescue, and more. Pat Peterson is an author, Boulder native, and former Fulbright Teaching Fellow with a lifetime of stories to share.
Course #40089
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Tuesday, February 18
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
No Fee

Meetup: Boulder Library Bldg 61 Makerspace Art Project

BLDG 61 makerspace staff will guide participants through a personal sewing project. All materials provided and attendees will leave with a completed creation. No prior experience necessary.
Course #40122
Where: Boulder Library Bldg 61 Makerspace
1000 Canyon Blvd, Boulder
Date: Wednesday, February 26
Time: 1 – 2:30 p.m.
No Fee

Dichroic Fused Glass Art Workshop

Create unique fused glass art using pre-cut bases and colorful dichroic glass embellishments. Dichroic refers to objects that show two different colors depending on angle or lighting. Each participant will be guided to create two one-of-a-kind pendants or magnets. Finished pieces are kiln fired at the SweetArts Glass Studio and returned to the Age Well Center for pickup. Instructor: Melissa Sweetser is a longtime Boulder resident with over 10 years experience in glass art and a passion for bringing workshops to older adults in the Front Range.


Glass Workshop #1

Course #40689
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 24
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fee: R/NR $20/$24

Glass Workshop #2

Course #40259
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Monday, February 24
Time: 2 - 3:30 p.m.
Fees: R/NR $20/$24

Meetup: Celestial Seasonings Factory Tour and Tea Tasting

During this 45-minute factory tour, learn the history of this Boulder founded tea company and each step of the tea making process from sourcing raw ingredients to packaging. Before and after the tour, sip complimentary tea samples and browse a gallery of original art featured on tea boxes.
Course #40696
Where: Celestial Seasonings,
4600 Sleepytime Dr., Boulder
Date: Tuesday, February 25
Time: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Fee: R/NR $7/$9

Meet-up: Movie at Boulder Library District’s Canyon Theater: “My Fair Lady”

"My Fair Lady" (1964) 2h50min is a musical film based on the Broadway production. The story features Professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison), who attempts to transform working-class Eliza Doolittle (Aubrey Hepburn) into a refined member of society. Themes include a critique of class hierarchies and the influence of language on social status. Please arrive early to find a seat, coffee provided by library staff prior to film. Doors open at 12:30, movie begins at 1:00 p.m. Due to the length of the film, an intermission will be included in the screening.
Course #41020
Where: Boulder Library Canyon Theater
1000 Canyon Blvd, Boulder
Date: Friday, February 21
Time: 1 – 4:30 p.m.
No Fee

TRIP: Denver Art Museum

Visit the Denver Art Museum, one of the largest between Chicago and the West Coast. Explore over 70,000 works of art across 12 diverse collections, featuring architecture and design, photography, modern and contemporary pieces, textiles, ancient American artifacts, pre-1900s European and American art, Indigenous arts of North America, and art from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania, and the American West. Enjoy refreshments at Café Gio inside the museum during free time (self-pay).
Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 4 by 5 p.m.
Course #40796
Where: Meet at East Age Well Center
Date: Trip on Tuesday, March 11
Time: 12:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Fee: R/NR $39/$48


A high school student helps an older adult with their mobile phone

Disclaimer: Participating in programs that utilize internet technology such as social media, email and accessing the internet through tablet computers, iPhones, iPads, and other personal computer devices, may present risk of loss, damage, and annoyance including but not limited to identity theft, malware, viruses, unsolicited email, theft of data, passwords, and financial information, inappropriate content, and scams.

1 - 1 Technology Assistance

A tech coach is available to provide one-to-one technology assistance for older adults on various topics and devices. Topics include file organization, email and settings on smartphones/ computers, text messages and emojis, Google and frequently used websites (i.e. YouTube), account and password management, Google apps, popular apps/ games, Apple/Samsung/Android products, and managing, sending, taking and deleting photos. Participants must bring their own device and topics or questions. Registration required for 30-minute timeslot and is limited to one technology assistance appointment per month, per person.

Tech Coaches:

Mary Haley has been a technology class instructor and is currently a volunteer for City of Boulder Older Adult Services.
Jorge Arias is a retired tech professional who is fluent in Spanish and English and is a volunteer for City of Boulder Older Adult Services.

Tech Coaching - East

Where: East Age Well Center
Dates: Wednesdays, February 12 and 26
Time: 1 - 3:30 p.m. (30-minute appointment)
Tech Coach: Mary Haley

Tech Coaching - West

Where: West Age Well Center
Dates: Mondays, February 10 and 24
Time: 1 - 3:30 p.m. (30-minute appointment)
Tech Coach: Mary Haley

Bilingual Tech Coaching - EAST

Where: East Age Well Center
Dates: Monday, February 3
Time: 1 - 3:30 p.m. (30-minute appointment)
Tech Coach: Jorge Arias

Bilingual Tech Coaching - WEST

Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Friday, February 14
Time: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (30-minute appointment)
Tech Coach: Jorge Arias

Tech Assistance with Boulder Universal Students

Boulder Universal students provide one-to-one technology assistance for older adults on various topics and devices. Participants must bring own device. Topics may include file organization, email and settings on smartphones/computers, text messaging, Google and frequently used websites or mobile phone apps, account and password management, Apple/Samsung/Android products, and managing digital photos. Boulder Universal (BU) is Boulder Valley School District’s online school, offering virtual classes for K-12 to a wide variety of students.
Course #38500
Where: West Age Well Center
Date: Wednesday, February 12
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
No Fee

TECH Workshop: Staying Safe in Cyberspace

In this presentation, participants will learn the secrets of strong passwords and how to identify sneaky scams in order to stay safe in the digital world. Instructor: North Rittner, RMTS-Colorado
Course #40417
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Thursday, February 6
Time: 1 – 2:30 p.m. with extra time for Q&A
No Fee

TECH Workshop: Phishing, Vishing, and Smishing

In this presentation participants will learn the dangers of phishing (fraudulent emails), vishing (fraudulent phone calls), and smishing (deceptive text messages), as well as other common scams. Learn how to spot these scams and how to protect personal information to stay safe in the digital world. Instructor: North Rittner, RMTS-Colorado
Course #40418
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Thursday, February 13
Time: 1- 2:30 p.m. with extra time for Q&A
No Fee

TECH Workshop: Getting Started with Password Managers

In this fun and friendly class, participants will learn how password managers can make online life easier and more secure. A password manager is a computer program used to store and manage passwords. No more sticky notes or forgotten passwords, review the secrets of password managers to safely manage one’s online identity. Instructor: North Rittner, RMTS-Colorado
Course #40420
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Thursday, February 20
Time: 1 – 2:30 p.m. with extra time for Q&A
No Fee

TECH Workshop: Antivirus – A Critical Tool

Antivirus software is a tool used to find, stop, and remove harmful programs such as viruses and spyware which can damage computers, steal information, and cause other problems. In this presentation participants will learn how to choose the best antivirus software considering factors such as price, features, and how to use it to stay safe in a digital world. Instructor: North Rittner, RMTS-Colorado.
Course #40421
Where: East Age Well Center
Date: Thursday, February 27
Time: 1 – 2 p.m. with extra time for Q&A
No Fee

Meals on Wheels

The Eat Well Café, located in the West Age Well Center!

Eat Well Café Logo

The Café is open to community members of all ages Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
For $7.99 (plus tax), enjoy a choice of two entrees, side salad, dessert, and beverage. Punch cards are available. Buy 9 meals and get the 10th meal free!
Other menu items include paninis, pitas, sandwiches, wraps, salads and delectable desserts.
Contact Sara@mowboulder.org for groups/parties.

Project Homecoming: Discharged from a hospital or rehabilitation facility recently? Receive 5 free meals, delivered right to your home. Available for all ages!
To enroll, please call us at 720-780-3380, send us an email at info@mowboulder.org, or visit our website mowboulder.org.

Home Delivered Meals: Providing fresh, nutritious meals and daily well-being checks to Boulder residents, regardless of age or income. Call 720-780-3380 or complete our online intake form at mowboulder.org.
Meals on Wheels is growing and now delivers 300 plus meals per day. To volunteer: kelley@mowboulder.org

The Niche Market at Meals on Wheels of Boulder: Think Goodness Foods- Quiches, Pies and Soups. Handcrafted, freshly frozen, ready to bake/heat! Grab & Go for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Convenience items.
3701 Canfield Street, Boulder, open Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Support: Meals on Wheels of Boulder is locally and independently funded to serve any age and income. We do not take Federal or State Funding to remain flexible for whom we serve. Your donations matter! Please donate on our website, mowboulder.org, or call (720) 780-3382. Thank you to all our amazing volunteers and donors!
Meals on Wheels of Boulder: 3701 Canfield Street, Boulder, CO 80301.
Phone: 720-780-3380 Email: info@mowboulder.org Website: mowboulder.org

Staff Contacts

PositionContact Information
City of Boulder Older Adult ServicesEmail: OlderAdultServices@bouldercolorado.gov
Older Adult Services ManagerEden Bailey, baileye@bouldercolorado.gov
Sr. Program ManagerMaureen Dobson, dobsonm@bouldercolorado.gov
Lifelong Learning and Social Programs ManagerHales Brown (they/them), brownh@bouldercolorado.gov
Older Adult Services Case ManagersAshley Fowler, Emma Gooding-Lord, Wade Branstetter, 303-441-4388
Facilities Operations SpecialistCody Carlough, carloughc@bouldercolorado.gov
Program Support SpecialistLorna McClanahan, mcclanahanl@bouldercolorado.gov
Customer Service RepresentativesKaren Maye, Melody Salazar, Jessika Hardin, Brooke Crocker, Belen Carmichael, Suzanne Michot, Stephen Topping
Fitness/Dance InstructorJudy Kreith
Yoga InstructorPeter Michaelsen

Contact West Age Well Center for Older Adults Customer Service

Contact East Age Well Center for Older Adults Customer Service


Older Adult Services wants to thank funders, volunteers agency partners and community instructors who helps make our programs and services a benefit to the older adults in our community.