Open Space and Mountain Parks will enact seasonal dog-leash restrictions on several open space trails starting Tuesday, Aug. 15.

The City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) Department will enact seasonal dog-leash restrictions on several open space trails starting Tuesday, Aug. 15.

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks lands provide important habitat for black bears. The department’s dog leash requirement is intended to minimize dog-bear encounters and is timed to coincide with the period of the year when bears are most active. Mid-August is when bears begin spending more time foraging for food to help them reach sufficient weight to enter hibernation and successfully survive the winter. Repeated disturbances of feeding bears could decrease their over-winter success and could push them into the city to seek food.

The on-leash requirement will go into effect Tuesday, August 15, and will go through Wednesday, Nov. 1, in five City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks areas:

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks institutes leash restrictions on certain trails every year because of potential dog-wildlife encounters. View open space dog-related regulations through an OSMP interactive webmap. If you see a bear, remember to:

  • Stay calm.
  • Keep your distance. Back slowly away, facing the bear. Avoid direct eye contact.
  • Slowly and calmly leave the area. Talk aloud so the bear will become aware of you.
  • Fight back if attacked. Black bears have been driven away when people fight with rocks, sticks, binoculars, or even bare hands.
  • Consider putting your dog on leash during active bear season on all trails for your dog's protection.
  • Don’t litter. Please dispose of all litter in bear-proof trash cans when you are in bear habitat. Remove it from the area if trash cans are full. Your consideration could save a bear's life
  • Report sightings