City to offer free COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters and pediatric vaccines, through Dec. 19

Advance registration strongly recommended

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Boulder County due to the Delta variant, vaccinations, testing and following public health guidelines remain vital tools to keep our community safe.

The city, in partnership with the state, will continue to offer free weekly vaccine clinics through Dec. 19, with the potential for future dates to be announced. Clinics will be held every Sunday from noon to 5 p.m., except for Nov. 28.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and help protect against the highly contagious Delta variant. All community members who are eligible to receive the vaccine are invited to the clinics, including families with children ages 5 and up. The clinics are 100% free and no insurance or ID is required. Reserving a timeslot in advance is strongly recommended, as several upcoming clinics are already at or nearing capacity and appointments are prioritized over walk-ins.

The city has been hosting vaccine clinics since spring of 2021 as part of its commitment to make the COVID-19 vaccine accessible to all who wish to be vaccinated. “Vaccines are critical to stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our community, and we are thankful for the recent approval of vaccines for 5 to 11 year olds,” said Housing and Human Services Department Manager Elizabeth Crowe. “While we expect increased demand at our clinics, the city remains committed to bringing vaccines to our community and breaking down barriers to vaccine access.”

Clinics take place at the Boulder Public Library, located at 1001 Arapahoe Ave., in the Canyon Theater. Those attending the clinics should enter through the north side of the building, near Canyon Boulevard. Spanish language interpreters will be available at each clinic.

Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be available at the clinics. Those who have already received a Pfizer or Moderna dose should be aware of the recommended window of time between doses and should bring their vaccination card with them to the clinic. Additional doses will be available for people who meet the criteria for boosters and Pfizer vaccines will be available for children ages 5 and up.

COVID-19 testing continues to be a critical component of the city’s pandemic response. Free testing is available at Stazio Ball Fields, located at 2445 Stazio Dr. in Boulder, seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Additionally, it remains important for community members to follow public health recommendations. Maintain social distance, wear a mask in indoor public spaces and in crowded outdoor spaces and practice good hygiene.

For more COVID-19 public health recommendations and information about testing, vaccines and clinics, visit Boulder County’s website.