In observance of the Presidents Day Holiday, all administrative facilities and Age Well Centers will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17. Some facilities and services will be open.
Open Space and Mountain Parks Featured Volunteer: Mitch Smith, Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol
Mitch Smith, Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol
The Boulder Mountain Bike Patrol is a multi-agency program with the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP), Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), City of Boulder Parks and Recreation, and Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA). Patrollers ride trails, assisting and educating mountain bikers and other park users. The goal is to promote a positive recreational experience on the trails.
Mitch Smith has been volunteering since 2008 and has logged over 3,500 hours as an OSMP volunteer bike ambassador! He also served as the bike patrol director for a few years.
1. What’s your favorite thing to do on open space? Where?
Volunteering on my bike on Marshall Mesa. So many fun trails with different difficulties. Next is hiking on the trails around NCAR.
2. What’s the most interesting facts you’ve learned since you started volunteering for OSMP?
The number of dragonfly species in the Front Range. So cool.
3. What skill(s) did you learn while volunteering with us?
The #1 skill is how to communicate with visitors. Whether it be answering questions about trail conditions, gently letting them know about regulations, providing directions, etc.. I am the voice of Open Space when I interact with them. The #2 skill is being prepared. I bring extra water and snacks, keep my first aid kit current, and have a space blanket and splint.
4. What's a favorite memory from volunteering?
My first memory was giving directions to equestrians on my first volunteer ride. I remember feeling that I am here for all visitors.
My favorite memory was getting cheers from visitors when I shooed a rattlesnake from the Doudy Draw trail. Many of them had dogs. I turned my bike around, held my seat post and front post while I was in front of my front tire, and then used my back tire to gently shoo the rattlesnake from the trail.
5. Anything else you'd like to share?
Please share that I enjoy when visitors open a gate for me. They notice my placard and are very kind. Also, I get the occasional complement for volunteering.
Mitch Smith, a boulder mountain bike patrol volunteer, photo taken in 2024.