Upcoming work will focus on removing invasive “hazard trees” that pose a risk to open space visitors along the trail.
The City of Boulder plans to close a segment of Cottonwood Trail next week to remove invasive trees and vegetation from agricultural ditches northeast of Boulder.
The Cottonwood Trail will be closed from Four Mile Creek to Independence Road between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, weather permitting. The Cottonwood Trail is part of the Longmont-to-Boulder Regional Trail, and the city advises commuters to consider alternate routes while closures are in place by visiting OSMPTrails.org.
Upcoming work will focus on removing invasive “hazard trees” that pose a risk to open space visitors along the trail. Removing invasive trees like crack willows will also help maintain agricultural ditches that support local agricultural operations and welcome the regrowth of native trees, shrubs and grasses, which support better quality habitats for plants and wildlife.