Maybe your mom, dad or other family member suggested you get a job for the summer. You see all the hiring signs out there and it seems like there are tons of options. But which job is right for you?
Maybe your mom, dad or other family member suggested you get a job for the summer. You see all the hiring signs out there and it seems like there are tons of options. But which job is right for you? And would they hire you, if you’re 14, 15 or 16 years-old? At Boulder’s Parks and Recreation Department (BPR), the answer is yes, we have jobs for you!
We’re hiring hundreds of community members to fill our open seasonal positions. We want you to join us and, hopefully, grow your career here!
These are the positions we have open, listed according to the minimum age for the job.
Updated as of June 3, 2024
14 years-old
- Ninja Instructor I (No longer recruiting for this position).
15 years-old
- Lifeguard
(No longer recruiting for this position. According to the Red Cross, lifeguards must be 15 years-old on the last day of the lifeguard certification class). - Water Attraction Attendant (No longer recruiting for this position).
- Senior Lifeguard at the Boulder Reservoir (No longer recruiting for this position)
16 years-old
- Boulder Reservoir Cashier (Reservoir Member Service Representative I) (No longer recruiting for this position)
- Recreation Center Cashier (Recreation Member Service Representative I) (No longer recruiting for this position)
- Camp and Program Staff with our youth summer camps (No longer recruiting for this position) or the Youth Service Initiative team (No longer recruiting for this position) or the Goats & Gardens camp (No longer recruiting for this position) or the Reservoir camp (No longer recruiting for this position).
- Swim Lesson Instructor II (No longer recruiting for this position).
We have additional positions open with a minimum age of 18, such as head lifeguard at the Reservoir (No longer recruiting for this position), Reservoir boat inspector or lake patrol (No longer recruiting for these positions), parks maintenance, fitness instructor, sports field monitor and more.
See all our open positions at and apply today!
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