This pilot program, created in partnership with the National Civic League, is an opportunity to test a new method for meaningful, productive, and inclusive engagement with Boulder City Council and for community members to provide feedback early on in a decision-making process.

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Project Overview

The Community and Council Forum was created as part of the Better Public Meetings Project. It was designed to respond to the community's desire for earlier engagement in council decisions. This approach allows for more diverse perspectives to shape projects, and ultimately, outcomes.

Forums will be conducted in an interactive format. There will be one topic per forum. Topics are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Very early in council decision-making process
  2. Hold a high level of community interest
  3. Accessible topic for the general public

After listening to a brief presentation from city staff, there will be time for clarifying questions before breaking out into small groups for further discussion between community members, council and city staff. All participation will be limited to the chosen topic of the Community & Council Forum.


  • Increase opportunities for meaningful engagement by responding to community desire to engage on council decisions sooner in the decision-making process. 
  • Strengthen decision-making process by hearing from and intentionally inviting diverse, underrepresented community perspectives that could more equitably shape projects and outcomes. 


There will be 20 available seats total. Community members with lived experience related to the forum topic will be invited to fill the first 10 seats. Ten additional open community seats will be available for sign up, utilizing a randomized selection process if there is more interest than there are seats.

Forums will be held bilingually in person in Council Chambers with Spanish interpretation available. Only selected community members will be allowed to participate in discussion during the forum. Other community members are welcome to observe in person or virtually. The livestream will capture staff’s presentation, community and council questions, and the debrief of small group discussions. Small group discussions will not be livestreamed.

The first Community and Council Forum will be held on Sept. 26, 2024. This will replace the regularly scheduled study session that evening. Study sessions will remain on normal schedule for the rest of the year. Another two pilot sessions will be held in 2025, with dates to come. These sessions will also replace the regularly scheduled study session.

Register to attend as an open community guest by completing this online form by 12 p.m. on Sept. 18.

  • Registering to speak does not guarantee your name will be selected. 
  • If there are more than 10 participants interested in these open community seats, 10 will be selected through a randomized selection. 
  • In person observance does not require registration.

Watch the livestreamed forum on Channel 8 or City of Boulder YouTube channel.


Sept. 26, 2024: Economic Development Plan & Program Enhancements

2025: Two additional dates TBD