This page shows the city payments to vendors categorized with the "Community Funding/Grants" account description. As such, it is an approximation of the amount of funding or grants the City of Boulder has given to community organizations since 2016. The source of funding for these grants varies, some coming from the general fund, some from dedicated sources (e.g., Sugary Sweetened Beverage Tax) and others from federal grants (e.g., Community Development Block Grant). This data comes directly from the Accounts Payable dataset which is published on the City of Boulder’s open data catalog.
It is important to note that this data does not contain detailed information on projects or on the purpose of the grants. Instead, it merely describes the outgoing payments and the recipient of those payments. Moreover, the city departments have varying practices for when they categorize a transaction with the “Community Funding/Grants” account descriptor. Some grant payments to community organizations could have been classified in another category, thus undercounting amounts reported here; alternatively, some payments may be misclassified as community funding/grants when they were not in fact grants. Furthermore, some city departments publish grant payments to community organizations separately on the open data catalog that may not be represented here.
This data provides a directional look at outgoing city grants. Tracking this information has illustrated opportunities for improving the consistency of processes around how the city manages our grant funding. As a result the data will become increasingly accurate over time as internal training and process improvements are conducted to support more standardized financial reporting. The feedback form at the bottom of this webpage can be used to ask city staff questions about the data.