The Housing and Human Services Department's Community Investment Program distributes funding from local, state and federal sources to positively impact the lives of Boulder community members. The team evaluates opportunities for investment in affordable housing, social services, health equity and human services. The team strategically aligns investments across programs and funds to maximize community impact.

Community Grants Dashboard
Strategic investments in community programs are tracked through the Community Grants Dashboard.
Funding and Grant Opportunities
The city offers many grants and funds to organizations working to improve our community.
- Affordable Housing Fund: The Housing Investment Team administers local and federal funding for affordable housing and community development. The city directs this funding to benefit low- and moderate-income people in Boulder.
- Community Development: Capital projects and public service programs that directly benefit low- and moderate-income residents, the elderly, severely disabled and others in the community.
- Health Equity Fund: provides grants for health equity programs that engage and serve community members experiencing health barriers and disparities.
- Human Services Fund: provides a wide range of nonprofit human services program grants to benefit community members in need.
- Substance Education and Awareness Fund: provides substance use prevention programs.
- Human Relations Fund: awards grants to organizations that protect civil and human rights, facilitate positive community relations and promote social equity policy.
Community Impact
We measure successful return-on-investment through reporting data from grantee agencies, annually or project by project. Over time, these short-term successes help bring about community-wide stability, resilience and equity. Recent investment activities and accomplishments include:
- $439,580 of Community Development Block Grant allocations in 2020, providing three nonprofit agencies with funds to make much needed capital improvements to facilities and helping to serve over 750 families through the Family Resource Schools program.
- Improvements to Mapleton Mobile Home Park infrastructure.
- Acquisition of three properties in 2020, resulting in 34 additional, permanently affordable units using $3,150,000 in funds from the Affordable Housing Fund and Community Housing Assistance Fund.
- Completion of 243 newly constructed permanently affordable rental and homeownership units in 2021, using over $16 Million in AHF, CHAP and HOME Investment Program Funds.