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Pop-Up - Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan at Nobo Art District First Friday 02/07/2025 20:00 02/07/2025 18:00 America/Denver <p class="address" translate="no"><span class="address-line1">4600 Broadway</span><br> <span class="locality">Boulder</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CO</span> <span class="postal-code">80203</span><br> <span class="country">United States</span></p> MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE

The City of Boulder and Boulder County invite you to help shape the future of the Boulder Valley. We are updating the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, which guides how our community will look and feel, the transportation networks that connect us and how we face changes to our natural and built environments for years to come. Join us over the next year as we discuss our biggest challenges, our greatest strengths and work toward a shared vision.

In person pop-up

Come and share your thoughts with staff and provide input while you're out and about. We'll be at Nobo First Friday on Feb. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. Meet us at Nobo on the Corner.

Can't make it?

Pop-up boards are station throughout Boulder at the following locations through Feb. 13.

  • South Boulder Recreation Center
  • North Boulder Recreation Center
  • East Boulder Community Center
  • Boulder Library Main Branch
  • Boulder Library North Branch
  • West Age Well Center