City of Boulder Council Chambers

Board Agendas and Materials

For the time being, both the Boulder Junction Access District Parking Commission (BJAD - Parking) and the Boulder Junction Access District Travel Demand Management Commission (BJAD - TDM) meet at the same time and location, and are treated as a joint commission. In the future, after Boulder Junction is complete, the two commissions will act independently.

Both commissions typically meet on the third Wednesday of every other month at 4 p.m. in the W-100 Broadway Conference Room, Penfield Tate II Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway. They are currently meeting virtually.


Vacant Chair

Property Owner
Rebekah Dumouchelle

Rebekah Dumouchelle

Chair, Property Owner
Term Years
Boulder Junction Access District Travel Demand Management Commissioner Stephanie Pike

Stephanie Pike

Property Owner
Term Years
Susan Prant

Susan Prant

Term Years
Jennifer Shriver

Jennifer Shriver

Vice-Chair, Resident
Term Years

Boulder Junction Access District Meetings

New videos will be posted within three business days of each meeting.

Contact Boulder Junction Access District TDM Commission
BJAD-TDM District Map

Contact Lisa Wuycheck, Board Secretary


Tue: 4:00 pm-6:00 pm