The CWPP Identifies Wildfire Risks in the Area Where Wildland Fuels and Human Development Meet (Wildland-Urban Interface, WUI)

A crucial aspect of the CWPP is to recommend strategies for reducing the risk of hazardous fuels, enhancing public outreach and education, lowering the ignitability for structures, and improving fire response capabilities.

Funded by Boulder’s Climate Tax, passed by voters in November 2022, the CWPP will serve as a guiding document that will assist the city and landowners in making informed decisions with respect to wildfire preparation and management. 

This site serves as a central landing page for the City of Boulder CWPP. All information regarding this planning effort is available on our Story Map.

Wide trail with Flatirons in the distance

Coming Soon - City of Boulder CWPP

Thank you all for the valuable feedback! The City of Boulder is working to review all comments received on the draft CWPP. The final document will be available in the near future. Please check back for updates and use the Story Map as a resource in the meantime.

Click here to watch the CWPP virtual panel from April 25.

What is a CWPP?

Fire flame icon

A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a collaborative document developed for a community, or group of communities, in the wildland urban interface (WUI). It is a comprehensive and strategic plan that recommends wildfire risk reduction measures to protect people, property, and natural and cultural resources. The CWPP is developed with the participation of local residents, community leaders, land managers, fire personnel, and other stakeholders.

The CWPP process involves a thorough assessment of the community's wildfire risk and vulnerabilities, including the analysis of fire history, fuel (vegetation) conditions, weather patterns, and the community's capacity to respond to wildfire events. Based on the assessment, the CWPP outlines a set of actions that can be taken to reduce the risk and improve the community's preparedness and resiliency.

CWPP Core Objectives

Fire Adapted Communities

People and communities are prepared to receive, respond to and recover from wildfire.

Safe, Effective Wildfire Response

All jurisdictions coordinate to implement safe, effective, risk-based management decisions.

Resilient Landscapes

Landscapes are resilient to fire, insect, and disease disturbances, regardless of jurisdictional boundaries.

Post-Fire Recovery

Preparing communities for inevitable fire effects, through pre-fire planning for post-fire response.

CWPP Timeline


  • Core Team collaboration and meetings
  • Public Enagagement

August 2023

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

  • Draft plan available for public review and comment
  • March 16 Public Meeting, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., 2520 55th St. Boulder, CO
  • March 25-April 8 Public comment period on draft CWPP Update
  • April 25 CWPP virtual panel

Summer 2024

  • Final CWPP plan and StoryMap available

What are the elements of a CWPP?

  • Community profile: A description of the community, including its history, demographics, and geography.
  • Wildfire risk assessment: An analysis of the wildfire risk, including the assessment of fuels, weather, and topography.
  • Community wildfire protection goals: A set of goals that outline the community's priorities for wildfire protection.
  • Action plan: A detailed list of actions that can be taken to achieve the community's wildfire protection goals.
  • Implementation strategy: A plan for how the community will implement the actions outlined in the action plan, including the identification of resources and partners.
  • Evaluation and monitoring: A plan for how the community will evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the CWPP and update it over time.

Overall, the CWPP is an essential tool for wildfire prevention and management, as it provides a roadmap for how a community can reduce its wildfire risk and improve its resiliency in the face of wildfire events. By engaging in the CWPP process, communities can better understand their wildfire risk and work collaboratively to implement actions that will reduce that risk and protect the community from the potentially devastating impacts of wildfire.

If Your Home Doesn’t Ignite, It Can’t Burn

Floating embers can land on your home and be the source of ignition. To learn more about protecting your property from potential ignitions, see this 2 minute video created by the NFPA.

Your Home and Wildfire. Choices That Can Make a Difference

While it can feel like a lot of work, mitigating wildfire risk can save your home from burning beyond repair. To learn more about the mitigation process, watch this 4 minute video created by the NFPA on reducing risk around your home.

5 Key Areas Around the Home You Must Examine When Assessing Wildfire Risk

Prior to wildfire season, it is important to inspect your home for potential fire risk. View this 2 minute video created by the NFPA outlining the 5 key areas you should inspect around your home.