Living wildfire ready is an important aspect of our whole community's wildfire resiliency and sustainability. On this page, find tips and information about making your home wildfire resilient today!
Boulder Fire-Rescue's Wildfire Preparedness Resources

Making your home more resilient benefits the whole community!
The detailed home assessment (DHA) is a free personal assessment of your home that is conducted by Boulder Fire-Rescue. Each DHA is done by a specialist and has the purpose of assisting homeowners in understanding their wildfire resilience risk at their residence. This free program is made up of a 2 hour walk through of your home and property as well as a specific report provided on risk reduction tactics you can take on your home.
Be wildfire ready!
Let’s Talk Boulder Wildfire Conversations
Let's Talk Boulder is a City of Boulder podcast exploring our community, one conversation at a time. Episodes 1 through 3 were dedicated to wildfire.
Start making your home/property wildfire ready this weekend!
Hardening your home - Making your home more resilient to wildfire damage by identifying weak spots and using better building materials and practices to strengthen them.
Managing vegetation and debris around your home - Removing things like leaves, pine needles, and branches (just a few examples) from your property so that wildfire cannot spread as quickly.
The below tips can help you begin your resilience journey today or this weekend and do not represent work covered within this grant. Gotta start somewhere!
Your Home and Wildfire. Choices That Can Make a Difference
While it can feel like a lot of work, mitigating wildfire risk can save your home from burning beyond repair. To learn more about the mitigation process, watch this 4 minute video created by the NFPA on reducing risk around your home.
If Your Home Doesn’t Ignite, It Can’t Burn
Floating embers can land on your home and be the source of ignition. To learn more about protecting your property from potential ignitions, see this 2 minute video created by the NFPA.
5 Key Areas Around the Home You Must Examine When Assessing Wildfire Risk
Prior to wildfire season, it is important to inspect your home for potential fire risk. View this 2 minute video created by the NFPA outlining the 5 key areas you should inspect around your home.