Contact Brenda Ritenour


The Hill Reinvestment Working Group was formed in late 2015 to pursue a Hill Reinvestment Strategy (HRS) goal to identify funding and governance mechanisms for ongoing improvements on the Hill. The original group included a commercial committee and a neighborhood committee. The commercial committee has since disbanded as a separate entity and the neighborhood committee continues as the Hill Revitalization Working Group (HRWG). The group collaborates monthly to share information, build relationships, design programs, evaluate processes and recommend changes and improvements around ongoing issues.


The working group is made up of representatives from Hill stakeholder organizations:

  • City Council
  • City Departments:
    • Neighborhood Services/Communication and Engagement
    • Boulder Police
    • City Attorney's Office
    • Municipal Court
    • Planning and Development Services
  • The University Hill Neighborhood Association (UHNA)
  • The Boulder Area Rental Housing Association (BARHA)
  • University of Colorado Departments:
    • Student Government
    • Off-Campus Housing and Neighborhood Relations
    • Student Affairs/Student Conduct
    • Sorority and Fraternity Life
    • Local Government and Community Relations
  • The Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC)
  • Panhellenic

Upcoming Meetings

  • TBD

If you couldn't make the meeting on Sept. 21 the notes from the meeting are available along with the presentation slides.