Membership Information
City of Boulder Parks & Recreation partners with Older Adult Services to provide drop-in fitness classes specifically designed for older adults 60 years and over. SilverSneakers®, Silver&Fit® and Renew Active memberships accepted or purchase a daily, monthly, 10-visit, or annual pass to access drop-in fitness classes. For schedule information, see the Parks & Recreation Drop-in Fitness Schedule.
City of Boulder Parks & Recreation Memberships
Boulder Parks and Recreation provides drop-in and registered fitness and mind body classes. For more information visit the Parks & Recreation website. Classes and programs are subject to change or cancellation at any time. SilverSneakers®, Silver&Fit® and Renew Active™ memberships are offered, confirm your eligibility by calling any of Boulder's three recreation centers: EBCC at 303-441-4400, NBRC at 303-413-7260, or SBRC at 303-441-3448. Other participants may purchase a variety of pass packages including annual membership, punch pass or drop-in visit. For appointments with a Personal Trainer please fill out a Private Session Request Form.
Free Weight Room Orientation
These 30-minute orientations provide an opportunity to teach members how to use the weight room equipment safely and weight training policies and protocols. Following the orientation, members will have the knowledge and tools to safely and effectively utilize our weight and cardio equipment on their own to achieve their fitness goals. To schedule an Orientation, please fill out a Private Session Request Form.
Access for All
Boulder Parks and Recreation is committed to supporting people of all abilities in recreation through both specialized and inclusive programs. We strive to exceed the requirements set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act and to create a welcoming and supportive community. If you require an accommodation, please notify us at least two weeks in advance. For more information, contact Lori Goldman at 303-413-7256.
Older Adult Functional Fitness Assessment
Consider a fitness assessment designed to provide feedback to older adults regarding their current health and fitness status. Led by a fitness professional, the basic functional assessment consists of evaluating cardiovascular conditioning, strength, flexibility and balance. Activity and program recommendations will be given based on the results. Cost is $16 per person, assessments are limited to 3 registered participants at a time. Register at any Boulder Age Well Center, Parks and Recreation center front desk or call 303-413-7290. Scheduled every two weeks, so please call for available dates.
Keep your stuff safe and secure — A message from City of Boulder
When you visit a city recreation center, library branch or Age Well Center, you want your car or bike or personal items to be there when you get back, right? We encourage you to lock your car or bike when you leave it behind. And never leave anything of value inside or in sight…even if it’s just for a few minutes. At our recreation centers, you can bring your valuables inside and safely keep them in a locker. Boulder’s Police Department reminds you that your valuables make for a good target, so lock your vehicle and/or bike. You should also register your bike so law enforcement can more easily contact you and prove ownership if it’s recovered. If a crime occurs please contact the police department non-emergency line at 303-441-3333 or fill out a report online. We hope you and your valuables stay safe all year round when visiting city facilities.
Forever Fit Classes
CHANNEL 8 WEBSITE: View Forever Fit classes designed for older adults through the Channel 8 website at