More than 400 research projects have been conducted on OSMP lands since 1959. Below you will find reports listed by first author that have been supported by OSMP's Funded Research Program as well as other research reports or peer-reviewed publications created by staff, consultants, nonfunded researchers and students conducting research on OSMP lands.

When citing these reports please include: full author list, year of publication, and report title followed by "City of Boulder OSMP Research Report. Available at: (Accessed: Date)". Journal publications should instead include the journal, volume, and page numbers. The City of Boulder makes these reports available on an “as is” basis and provides no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. OSMP strategic plans and supporting inventory reports can be found here: OSMP Plans and Reports.

Click on headings to sort a column or enter a word or phrase into the SEARCH bar to search within Author, Year, Type or Title. Click on the title to view or download the report.

OSMP Independent Research Reports