Stay informed with the latest public safety updates related to ongoing or emerging incidents in Boulder

Awareness information about public safety incidents in the city of Boulder will be posted below under "Latest Updates" as it becomes available, with the most recent updates at the top.

For quick and easy access, we recommend bookmarking this page.

Emergency alerts

The information provided below is not a substitute for the city's emergency alert systems. In situations where a large-scale emergency is occurring or there is a threat to life safety, the City of Boulder and Boulder County use emergency alerts to notify community members when immediate action is required in either a geographically focused area or a larger-scale emergency.  Do not wait for emergency alerts if you feel your safety is compromised, take appropriate actions. 

Latest updates

  • Date | Event Type | Time: description of event, update #.

For more public safety news, visit the Boulder Fire-Rescue and Boulder Police online newsrooms.

More information about emergency response

In large-scale emergencies in the city or the county, the emergency operations center (EOC) is activated to coordinate operations to support the safety and security of our community. This includes mobilizing emergency resources such as transportation, evacuations, and shelters; sharing information; and coordinating with state and federal agencies.

When the EOC is activated, community members are directed to the Office of Disaster Management (ODM) website for updates. Additionally, individuals can sign up to receive optional text message alerts each time the ODM website is updated during an emergency activation. To sign up, text BOCOINFO to 888777. Please note that a one-time registration is required, unless you change your phone number.