Date availability is subject to approved or scheduled events, functions, programs and turf restoration guidelines. Special event permits will not be issued in City parks for the following days (except for City sponsored events):

  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Independence Day (July 4)

City parks are closed from 11p.m. – 5.a.m nightly. No persons or property may remain during hours of closure (BRC 8-3-3. G(11)). If special event equipment is requested to remain overnight, a security plan will be required.

Indicate in the special event application specific dates and times for all requested park access outside of regular business hours.

Amplified Sound must remain in compliance with Boulder Revised Code 5-9-3 during the entire Event. See AMPLIFED SOUND for additional details. All Neighborhood and Pocket Parks are zoned as residential. All City and Community Parks are zoned as mixed-use. General Park Rules and Regulations

Dogs may be permitted within a special event at the event organizers discretion. Dogs must always be on a leash. Removal of pet excrement is required by law. (BRC 6-1-16, 6-1-18).

All cancellations must be submitted in writing. If, the City of Boulder cancels the event due to force majeure circumstances all fees and deposits will be refunded. The city is not responsible for any costs or expenses to the Event Organizer related to such cancellation.

If the Event Organizer cancels:

  • Within 29 days of the event it results in forfeiture of 50% of the deposit.
  • Within 30+ days from the event it results in forfeiture of the deposit.

Events utilizing Harlow Platts Community Park must provide community advisory notifications two-weeks in advance if impacting the Disc Golf Course or the (South Boulder Recreation Center). Notification must include signage inside the SBRC and digital notification on the Boulder Disc Golf Community Facebook page. Special Events in all other City parks may be required to submit community notifications based on proposed activities, attendance, and impact. Residential addresses and labels for required neighborhood notification areas may be purchased from the Boulder County Assessor’s Office.

The City of Boulder has determined that competitive events and races held on multi-use paths, including the Boulder Creek Path, pose an unreasonable impact to those who would otherwise use these facilities, paths and right of ways. As a result, the City of Boulder does not recommend approval of competitive activities on multi-use paths, including but not limited to activities that are timed, numbered, chipped and/or offer awards, placements or rankings.

Event Organizers may be required submit a performance deposit to reserve a venue; cover the cost of any cleanup/damage; and/or guarantee the event performs within the permit specifications. Once the event application is approved and permitted, the Event Organizer will be legally responsible and financially liable to City of Boulder for all fees and costs associated with the overall organization, management, and implementation of the event and related activities. Event Fees are assessed in three (3) phases:

  • Phase One: Performance Deposit due upon written receipt of a complete event application. Deposit is refundable 14-21 days after successful completion of the event, payment of all final invoices and completion of any after action review, if applicable.  
  • Phase Two: Facility Use Fee due prior to issuance of Special Event Permit.  
  • Phase Three: Payment for staffing fees plus any additional damage replacement costs due within 30 days after receipt of final invoice. Non-payment or partial payment of final invoice may result in denial of future applications and permit requests.
Attendance (Estimated)Facility Use Fee (Per Day)Security Deposit (Per Event)
50 - 250$300$150
251 - 1,000$500$250
1,000 - 4,999$1,250$625
5,000 - 50,000$2,000$1,000
50,000 - 150,000$2,500$1,250

Motorized Vehicle Additional Deposit: $750

Electricity is available at multiple sites within the park. Permit fees will include access to electrical outlets when available.

Glass is prohibited in all Boulder Parks and Recreation facilities (BRC 8-9-3). The Event Organizer is responsible for ensuring that all participants, vendors, staff and volunteers adhere to this restriction.

The Event Organizer is required to provide a safe environment for the event including prompt and appropriate medical care for all staff, volunteers, participants and spectators. The table below indicates suggested requirements for on-site medical personnel at events of various types. Based on the proposed activities and event concept there may be additional requirements. City Point of Contact or designee will notify the event organizer as to specific requirements for each event.

Public Area/No Water Component

first aid/
50 - 2501000
251 - 50001TBDTBD
501 – 1,000011TBD
1,001 – 2,0000221
2,001 - 4,000 0332

River/Creek Component

Boulder Fire
Water Rescue
501 – 1,000Yes221
1,001+Yes 332

If the nature of the Event involves the public near streams, the Event Organizer may be required to have the Boulder Fire Water Rescue Team (BFWRT) on standby. The minimum hourly requirement for BFWRT to be on standby is four (4) hours for all events with a minimum of four (4) rescuers for all Events. Based on the water flow, activities and event, there may be additional rescuers required. The event will not start until required medical personnel are onsite and/or in place.

For more information contact the Boulder Fire Department.

Motorized vehicles (including golf carts) are not permitted in any park without Boulder Parks and Recreation authorization (B.R.C. 8-3-6). If authorized;

  • Motorized vehicles will be permitted on hardscape areas such as walkways.
  • Motorized vehicles authorized for turf access require an additional deposit (B.R.C 8-3-14(c)(4))
  • Motorized vehicles must avoid drip-line of any surrounding tree.
  • Motorized vehicles may not travel a more than 5 M.P.H.
  • Motorized vehicles may only be operated by persons with a valid driver’s license.

Depending on the scope of the event, a parking and/or transportation plan addressing all traffic associated with event and impacted area of an event may be required. Description of how traffic, parking, bicycle, and pedestrian operations will be managed on the day-of-event is required as follows:

  • Site access and parking plan
  • Pedestrian and bicycle access plan
  • ADA parking locations
  • Staff and Vendor parking locations

All vehicles must remain on designated roadways unless prior written permission for access is granted by city representative. B.R.C. 8-3-6(a)(4). Violations are subject to fines, criminal prosecution as well as permit revocation and/or possible denial of future permit requests.

See the section “Transportation Plan” for more information and requirements.

Events with expected attendance (500+) or including temporary structures may require a series of production meetings with City Staff. Production meetings will be scheduled in three (3) phases:

Planning Meeting 60 days from application submission.
Pre-Event Walkthrough 1-3 days prior to event load in.
Post-Event Walkthrough 1-2 days after conclusion of event load out.

Load in and event set-up should not occur until the pre-event walk through is complete. This is to establish if any damage is present with the turf or irrigation system prior to the event. The BPR Zone Supervisor and/or field staff will inspect the area for damage after the event, and if applicable, determine the extent of turf damage needing to be repaired or replaced by seed or sod.

This plan should provide basic recommendations and guidelines to be followed during a safety situation or incident that may occur during a Special Event. It is not possible to predict every situation, however proper planning and preparation will increase the safety of everyone. The most important principles to remember is to remain calm, use common sense and remember that authorized agencies manage emergency situations.

Any special event held within the floodplain MUST provide an evacuation plan detailing notification and evacuation process in the event of flooding. Additionally, an emergency plan detailing the event organizers protocol for the following situation is strongly suggested:

  • Media Relations
  • Responding Agencies
  • Delay/Relocation/Evacuation
  • Situations & Incidents For:
    • Lost Items or Theft;
    • Lost Persons; Medical Emergencies and First Aid;
    • Hazardous Materials / Spills;
    • Fire; Law Enforcement Emergency;
    • Suspicious Objects;
    • Inclement Weather

Smoking is prohibited in all Boulder Parks and Recreation facilities (BRC 6-4-3.5). The Event Organizer is responsible for ensuring that all participants, vendors, staff and volunteers adhere to this restriction and for providing efficient signage and language on their website, vendor information, etc.

Temporary structures beyond tents include elements such as stages, inflatables, fencing, lighting towers, audio towers, AV towers, displays, platforms, and portable restroom facilities, etc. Non-turf areas are the preferred location for tents and temporary structures; however, tents/temporary structures can be permitted on turf with limitations:

  • Weights are required for vendor booths and tents unless pre-approval is obtained in writing for stakes. City recommends at least 40 pounds on each corner of a 10x10 tent; double that on a 10x20 tent. 50 pounds should be used for umbrellas.
  • Structures which are open to public right-of-way or sidewalk must be setback at least 10 feet.
  • No stakes are allowed without authorization from Boulder Parks and Recreation. If stakes are authorized:
    • BPR staff must mark irrigation. Additional fees may apply.
    • Applicant is responsible for coordinating utility locates.
    • A two foot (2’) no-staking zone adjacent to all paved surfaces and on either side of the center irrigation line as market by Boulder Parks and Recreation staff.
    • The irrigation system shall be tested before and after event to ensure functionality.
    • Stakes longer than 36” are prohibited to avoid damage to utilities which cannot be tested.
  • Water filled ballast tanks may be used on the turf with proper protection to avoid compaction. If utilized, event organizer must confirm water source for filling and plans for dumping.
  • Tents / structures are not allowed in tree or flora panels.
  • Structure weight shall not exceed 3,000 pounds unless materials are used to distribute the weight
  • Delivery vehicles must obey designated routes as defined in permit conditions.
  • All structures shall be hand carried onto turf or delivered by crane unless vehicle access is authorized.
  • Steel, lumber, and other construction materials should not be left on the turf grass for a prolonged period.
  • All structures must minimize contact on the turf grass; structures on the turf should be on a riser with as few points as possible touching the turf, these points should be supported with an Enkamat (or similar) and plywood pads under their points.

See the section “Tents” for more information and requirements.

To best protect the health of the turf grass, BPR will initiate restoration periods post event(s) for all turf locations. Restoration periods may vary based upon the size and duration of the event, the types of materials used, weather conditions, and the general conditions of the turf, among other factors. The following table includes recommended scheduled timeframes for restoration periods based upon best industry practices. All events are expected to be no more than three days in duration with an additional day before and/or after for loading. The BPR Zone Supervisor and/or approved field staff may recommend alternate durations based upon event conditions and/or turf conditions.

Event perameters
(estimated daily attendance)
restoration period
(per turf location)
Program: Less than 50 attendees n/a
Minor Event 50-250 attendees n/a
Small Event: 251-1,000 attendees 3 – 5 days
Medium Event: 1,000 to 4,999 attendees5 – 10 days
Large Event: 5K to 50K attendees 2 weeks
Very Large Event: 50k to 150k 3-4 weeks

Example: BPR would not permit a large event on the same turf location 9 days after another large-sized event on the same turf location. BPR may issue a permit for a minor or small event (pending conditions) – or would suggest a different turf location.

Temporary covering of turf substantially reduces wear by protecting from tearing and abrasion due to traffic. Temporary covering helps reduce soil compaction; however, this may still occur.

  • Temporary flooring must be approved in advance by BPR;
  • Temporary flooring may be required for seating or pedestrian pathways during large events;
  • Plywood is not an acceptable temporary covering. Acceptable covers might include products such as Terraplas, Matrax LD, etc., (ADA compliant, interlocking, translucent, and ventilated).

The following table includes information related to the pre-event preparation and cancellations/closures enacted for health and safety, weather, and to protect turf, soil, and irrigation. It shall be the responsibility of the BPR Zone Supervisor to determine the level of soil saturation suitable for usage; this will vary based upon factors such as the season and recent/upcoming weather events. Soil moisture readings greater than 30% indicate that damage is more likely to occur. The city is not liable for any costs or expenses related to event delay or cancellation.

Week Prior Weather forecast Discuss backup plan or alterative location
Pre-Event Walkthrough (1-3 Days Prior) Test soil Photo documentation (BPR and Producer). If saturated: Initiate backup or additional deposit
Set-Up Monitor If saturated: Rain delay or initiate backup
Event Monitor If saturated: Rain delay
Tear Down Monitor If saturated: Postpone
Post Event Walkthrough (1-2 Days After) Examine Photo documentation (BPR and Producer)
Post Event Determine BPR commence recovery practices

Access to potable and/or non-potable water, electricity, and restroom facilities are available at many venues. See below for more information:

  • Water: To utilize existing water utilities during the event, prior written approval from the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department is required. To request Boulder Fire Department services for the filling of water tanks, drums or swimming pools with a water capacity of 100 gallons or more requiring the use of a fire hydrant – please refer to section “Water” in the Guide.
  • Restroom Facilities: To utilize facilities towards the restroom requirements indicated within the Special Event Planning Guide the Event Organizer must receive written approval from the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department. Depending on event conditions, use of restroom facilities may require additional Boulder Parks and Recreation maintenance staff and/or cleaning fees. Click HERE for an interactive map of BPR restroom facilities.
  • Electricity: To utilize existing electrical utilities at the event, prior written approval from the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department is required.
  • Trash and Waste Receptacles: Existing trash receptacles, zero waste stations, and dumpsters may not be used without written approval. If authorized, the Event Organizer is responsible for servicing during the duration of the event. Any receptacles roll-offs, or other waste equipment must be removed from the park according to the approved production schedule.
Central Park at Civic Area0 Public RestroomsYY
Foothills Community Park 8 Public Restrooms, 4 SinksYY
East Boulder Community Park4 Public Restrooms, 2 SinksYY
Harlow Platts Community Park2 Public Restrooms, 2 Sinks, Call for more info about South Boulder Rec Center facilities.YY
North Boulder Park4 Public Restrooms, 4 Sinks. 1 Accessible Portable YY
Eben G. Fine Park2 Public Restrooms, 2 Sinks, 1 Portable NY
Chautauqua Park (Lawn) 2 Public Restrooms, 4 Sinks (not including Ranger Cottage or Auditorium) YY
Tom Watson Park4 Public Restrooms, 4 Sinks YY

Please request venue map from BPR for location of electric outlets, water spigots and irrigation.

If your venue is not specified above, please contact Boulder Parks and Recreation. Should the Event Organizer experience an emergency involving restrooms, electricity, or water utilities during the event, please contact the on-call park supervisor at 303-441-1992.