Who We Are

Eleven members of the YOAB Board posing for a group picture

We are 16 high school students appointed by the City Manager to serve one-year renewable terms. We live in the City of Boulder and represent many aspects of Boulder's youth community including diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Each spring, we encourage current 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders who live in the City of Boulder (including most of Gunbarrel) to apply for the next school year.

No previous leadership experience is necessary. New members are invited to join based on the potential for positive contribution to the board’s work and capacity to represent the diversity of Boulder’s youth community.

What We Do

  • Promote the youth voice in Boulder
  • Plan and run our own meetings
  • Advise City Council, city departments, and local agencies on youth-related issues
  • Form actions teams to implement community projects to help address youth needs
  • Organize the Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Day of Service
  • Acknowledge outstanding youth volunteers in our community

2023-2024 Youth Opportunities Advisory Board Members

  • Madelyn Barnes
  • Rafael Hernández Guerrero
  • Saiyora Keilbach
  • Chloe Manning
  • Lexi Oder
  • Josephine Orth
  • Jonny Stafford
  • Avery Stuhlbarg
  • Elias Weatherley


YOAB holds a monthly meeting on the first Friday of each month.

Meeting Materials

September 8, 20239/8/23 YOAB agenda
October 6, 202310/6/23 YOAB agenda
November 3, 202311/3/23 YOAB agenda
December 1, 202312/1/23 YOAB agenda
January 12, 20241/12/24 YOAB agenda
February 4, 20242/2/24 YOAB agenda
March 1, 20243/1/24 YOAB agenda
April 5, 20244/5/24 YOAB agenda
May 3, 20245/3/24 YOAB agenda

Apply for YOAB

How it works

The Youth Opportunities Program is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Youth Opportunities Advisory Board throughout the summer.

City of Boulder youth and youth that attend a City of Boulder high school that are interested in engaging with their peers and the community are encouraged to apply.


Please reach out to Youth Opportunities Program Manager Mario Martinez-Varelas with any questions at 720-498-2482 or MartinezVarelasM@bouldercolorado.gov.