This is an alternative web-accessible version to the original Boulder Speed Limit Setting Framework PDF.
1. Background
The City of Boulder’s Transportation and Mobility Department has undertaken this project to develop a data-driven and context-sensitive process to set speed limits on city-owned streets. The project establishes a consistent framework for setting and communicating speed limits citywide with the aim to reduce speed-related crashes as part of Vision Zero, Boulder’s goal to end severe crashes. The 2022 Vision Zero Boulder: Safe Streets Report identified speeding as an over-represented factor, associated with nearly one-third of serious injury and fatal crashes in the 3-year time period (2018-2020). Public feedback for the 2023 Vison Zero Action Plan listed speeding as one of the Top 4 traffic safety concerns, and high-speed streets are identified as one of the Top 6 risk factors associated with the city’s High Risk Network. Action 7 was identified in the Plan to “Update and implement Boulder’s policies and practices regarding speed limit setting to better align target and actual operating speeds”. This project is one of many components the City of Boulder is exploring to reduce speeding-related crashes and improve safety for all roadway users.
Speed-related goals in the Boulder Vision Zero Action Plan:
- Update and implement Boulder’s policies and practices regarding speed limit setting to better align target and actual operating speeds.
- STATUS: Addressed through this project.
- Strategically deploy photo radar van along highspeed corridors where allowed by state law
- STATUS: Resolution adopted in December 2023 designating corridors where the city plans to expand photo enforcement.
- Support legislation to enable expanded use of photo radar van (commercial settings, higher speed streets) and red light cameras.
- STATUS: Statewide legislation legalizing photo enforcement passed in 2023
2. Project Purpose
The prevailing speed limit setting and signing practices in Boulder have led to inconsistent outcomes lacking quantifiable justification. The historic practice was reactive to community concerns. The goal of these guidelines is to improve consistency and develop a standard methodology behind speed limit setting and signing by establishing a data-driven citywide approach and practice. The purpose of this report is to create a transparent document to share this methodology with the community and stakeholders.
- CONSISTENCY: Develop a methodology that leads to speed limits that are consistent with the character of the street, as well as other streets across the city with a similar character.
- DATA-DRIVEN: Establish a quantitative process that relies on a variety of factors, including crash history, collected speeds, latest roadway geometry, user experience, and land-use data.
- SAFETY CENTRIC: Prioritize speed-related and vulnerable user crashes in the methodology.
- BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY FOCUSED: Incorporate level of bicycle and pedestrian activity on the street and presence and type of pedestrian and bicycle facilities to determine the posted speed limit
3. Boulder Context
There are approximately 292 miles of city-owned streets within Boulder that are classified as local, collector, minor arterial and principal arterial (Figure 1). A vast majority, 78% of these streets are classified as local streets (Figure 2). The 20 IS PLENTY initiative established a standard 20 mph speed limit on these streets whether or not there is a posted speed limit sign or not. As such, this project aims to establish a process to set speed limits with a focus on collector and arterial roadways. Of the remaining 66 miles of collectors and arterials, the vast majority are posted at 35 mph or less (Figure 3). Of collectors, almost 58% are posted at 25 mph. Minor arterial and principal arterial streets generally have higher posted speed limits compared to collectors.
Figure 1: Functional Classification of City-Owned Streets

Figure 2: Functional Classification Distribution by Miles

Figure 3: Current Distribution of Speed Limits by Functional Classification

Land-use plays a vital role in determining roadway characteristics, which in turn impacts the speed limit of the street. This project analyzed existing zoning classifications within the Boulder Municipal Code to categorize the zoning into four land uses: downtown, residential/mixed-use/public, business and industrial/agricultural (Figure 4). The speed limit setting methodology takes into consideration these existing land-uses on either side of the street.
Figure 4: Land Use Categories

Residential/mixed use land-use covers approximately 78% of Boulder’s land area, which corresponds with approximately 69% of street segments analyzed in the project (Figure 5). Industrial/agricultural, downtown and business land-use coverage generally aligns with the mileage of the street segments analyzed in the project, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 5: Land Use Coverage and Street Segments

The existing posted speed limit range for any particular functional classification of roadway varies significantly across the land-uses (Table 1). For example, a collector in residential/mixed use area currently has a posted speed limit as high as 40 mph, while a collector in an industrial/agricultural land use has a maximum posted speed limit of 35 mph. Similarly, a principal arterial in downtown has a 30 mph speed limit, while it is as low as 25 mph in the residential / mixed-use area. These examples illustrate the inconsistency of existing posted speed limits in Boulder.
Table 1: Existing Posted Speed Limit Ranges in Various Land-Use
Existing Conditions | Zoning Classifications per 9-5-2.a of Boulder Municipal Code | |||
Downtown | Residential / Mixed Use / Public | Business | Industrial Agricultural | |
Collector Speed Limit | 25-25 | 25-40 | 25-25 | 25-35 |
Minor Arterial Speed Limit | 20-25 | 20-40 | 30-35 | 30-45 |
Principal Arterial Speed Limit | 30-30 | 25-40 | 30-35 | 35-45 |
4. Stakeholder Engagement
The following stakeholders were involved throughout the project. They provided guidance for the project, offering their lived experiences of Boulder’s transportation system and community perspective to inform the project process in alignment with the overall goals of the project.
- Transportation Advisory Board
- Community Cycles
- Center For People with Disabilities
- Boulder Chamber
Three stakeholder meetings were conducted during the course of the project. The following section provides a summary of the meetings and resulting outcomes.
Stakeholder Meeting #1: August 10th, 2023
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project goals to the stakeholders, discuss anticipated outcomes, and identify key issues to be addressed by the project. The introduction of the project background, purpose and goals resulted in several discussion points with the stakeholders that led to the following clarifying points:
- 85th-percentile speed has historically been used in the industry as the primary input to setting speed limits. This project intends to utilize the 85th-percentile speeds but does not intend for that to be the primary factor.
- CDOT owned roads are not included in the analysis. However, the proposed methodology reviewed and incorporated certain elements of the framework used by CDOT in setting speed limits.
- This project does not focus on enforcement strategies or tools. However, it is acknowledged that these tools are important to ensure compliance with the posted speed limit.
Stakeholder Meeting #2: October 3rd, 2023
The purpose of this meeting was to educate stakeholders on the national best practices, summarize peer agency approaches to speed limit setting and brainstorm factors to include in the methodology for Boulder. The summary of the outcomes were:
- Latest national best practices allow the use of 50th-percentile speed, which is the median (average) speed of existing vehicles on the road.
- Peer cities use a variety of methods that rely heavily on local context and engineering judgement, while also utilizing national tools like USLIMITS2.
- A variety of factors were brainstormed for use in determining the speed limit on the roadway. These factors were categorized into roadway geometry, traffic operations, and land-use context.
Stakeholder Meeting #3: February 7th, 2024
The purpose of this meeting was to review the draft methodology for setting speed limits in Boulder, along with a few of the preliminary recommended speed limits. The examples of speed limit changes recommended by the methodology on particular streets helped the stakeholders understand the process. The stakeholders were generally, supportive of the overall methodology. Stakeholders raised questions about how often the street segments will be re-evaluated in the future, and the need for further refinement of the methodology. The project team communicated that Boulder is anticipated to re-evaluate the street segments when there is significant change in the roadway characteristics, such as when a capital improvement project or new development is completed, and noted that Boulder staff has reviewed the methodology in detail and plan to further refine it, if necessary, in the future.
5. National Best Practices
Seven documents were reviewed by the project team to understand nationally recognized best practices: the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) from 2009 and 2023; the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Speed Management for Safety Tools; FHWA’s Noteworthy Speed Management Practices; the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) City Limits Document; FHWA’s USLimits2; and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Posted Speed Limit Setting Procedure Tool.
The key takeaway from this review is that the transportation profession has broadened the range of operating speeds that can be used to determine posted speed limits from the 85th-percentile, as stated in the 2009 MUTCD, to 50th-percentile and 85th-percentile speed, as stated in the 2023 MUTCD. This change allows jurisdictions the flexibility to reduce posted speeds to the median speed of vehicles traveling on the roadway. Furthermore, the review confirms the roadway contextual factors to consider when setting speed limits. These factors were reviewed and considered to determine the recommended factors that were incorporated into the city’s methodology.
VI. Peer Agency Review
Figure 6: Peer Cities Reviewed

Six cities, shown on the map in Figure 6, were interviewed to better understand how they set their speed limits. The cities were Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC; Madison, WI; Seattle, WA; Davis, CA; and Denver, CO. Key takeaways from the peer cities review highlight the significant role of the local authority and engineering judgment in determining speed limit regulations. The approach to speed management varied, ranging from corridor-specific adjustments to city-wide initiatives, albeit often influenced by resource constraints. Methodologies employed encompass a spectrum from engineering judgment to national tools, or the creation of customized approaches. In response, this project aims to craft a tailored methodology, drawing from national tools and best practices. In addition to peer cities, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) guidelines were evaluated. CDOT is currently working on its own speed limit setting methodology, which will be used to set speeds on state highways across the state. While Boulder doesn’t have authority to set speed limits on state highways, reviewing CDOT’s methodology provided the framework for the Boulder’s methodology and the opportunity to build on it. The CDOT process uses a Lookup Table based on roadway classification and land use, which is also used in the Boulder methodology with local context-sensitive information.
7. Methodology
City of Boulder’s pioneering approach to citywide speed limit setting considered the national best practices and peer agency reviews discussed above, along with input from the stakeholder committee to identify the factors that should be considered in a speed limit setting analysis and an innovative point-based system that prioritized the factors and assigned them to the segments based on segment-specific data. Figure 7 shows the overall project approach used in the project.
Figure 7: Overall Project Approach

View full image.
This is a text alternative to the image: The project’s methodology included 5 main steps. First, a review of best practices and peer agencies was conducted, which included USLIMITS 2, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), and Colorado Department of Transportation guidance, 6 peer cities, and 240 data collection locations. Then, through a review of methodology factors with stakeholders and a workshop on data availability and quality, 16 factors were selected for analysis out of 19 total and the selected factors were divided into tiers based on priority. Next, a point system was developed based on the priority of factors, where speed-related crashes and vulnerable user data were analyzed to quantify the need for lower speeds. Then, speed limit ranges and outputs were compared to street classification and surrounding land use. Finally, an implementation plan was developed based on the city’s capacity and programs.
This proposed methodology applies to collector, minor arterial, and principal arterial roads owned by the City. This method does not apply to local roads , school zones or CDOT state highways. The roads to be evaluated were segmented by existing posted speed and street classification. The average length of evaluated segments is half a mile. Approximately 67 miles of roads were evaluated, divided into 137 segments. In these cases, the average measured speed was used for the methodology. As shown in Figure 8, a vast majority of the segments were in residential / mixed-use land use. Figure 9 shows street segments that were evaluated as part of the project.
Figure 8: Evaluated Roadway Segments by Land Use Type

Operating Speed: actual vehicular speed collected in the field. It is often presented as a percentile. It is impacted by the posted speed limit, along with the design of the roadway, enforcement, etc.
- 50th percentile speed: same as the median speed, it represents the speed at which 50% of the vehicles travel at or below.
- 85th percentile speed: represents the speed that 85% of the vehicles travel at or below. Historically, this was the primary variable used to set speed limits.
- Rounding criteria: established guidelines or rules utilized to adjust observed speeds to conform to the requirement that posted speeds must be multiples of five. When rounding observed speeds to match this criterion, there are typically two main approaches: rounding up to the nearest multiple of five or rounding down to the closest multiple of five. In the output of the methodology the following rounding criteria is used
- C85: Closest 85th percentile
- RD85: Rounded-down 85th percentile
- C50: Closest 50th percentile
- RD50: Rounded-down 50th percentile
Figure 9: Evaluated Street Segments

City of Boulder’s approach to citywide speed limit setting introduces a five-layer evaluation process tailored to local parameters (Figure 10). It introduces a point-based system that aligns with Boulder Vision Zero values that utilizes local data.
Figure 10: Boulder Speed Limit Setting Methodology Flowchart

The first layer of evaluation is identifying if the segment is part of the existing High-Risk Network (HRN). The HRN, developed as part of the 2023-2027 Vision Zero Action Plan, represents just 7% of city streets but accounts for 48% of serious- and fatal-injury crashes in the city. Within the methodology, street segments in the HRN are set to default to lower speeds by recommending to the Rounded Down 50th-percentile speed. This priority step aligns with the city’s Vision Zero commitment, streamlines the process by eliminating Subsequent layers of analysis, and aligns with the Safer Speeds aspect of the Safe Systems Approach. The second layer of evaluation is a point system that quantifies the need for lower speeds. Points were awarded to locations based on 16 factors (Table 2): Each factor is given a point, ranging from 1-15, depending on its priority in determining the appropriate posted speed limit. For example, a segment with a crash resulting in a fatality is given 15 points, while presence of a park within ¼ mile of the segment is given 2 points. Thirty-five percent of the available points are allocated to crashrelated factors, thirty-five percent to multimodal use and facility factors, twenty-four percent to road configuration factors, and six percent by the presence of trip generators factors. This step reinforces the data-driven approach of the methodology and defines Boulder-specific thresholds for all 16 factors. The assigned points determine the associated tier for the segment, with Tier I being 55-100 points, Tier 2 being 34-54 points, and Tier 3 being 0-33 points.
Figure 11: Factors Defining the Need for Lower Speeds

Table 2: Evaluated Factors and Points Assigned
Factor | Category | Priority | Maximum Points |
Fatal crashes | Crash | Priority 1 | 15 |
Pedestrian/Bike crashes | Crash | Priority 1 | 10 |
Speed crashes | Priority 1 | 10 | |
Multimodal Crossings | Multimodal | Priority 1 | 5 |
Pedestrian facilities | Multimodal | Priority 1 | 5 |
Pedestrian activity | Multimodal | Priority 1 | 1 |
Bike facilities | Multimodal | Priority 1 | 5 |
Bike activity | Multimodal | Priority 1 | 10 |
Driveway Access Density | Road Configuration | Priority 1 | 5 |
On street parking | Road Configuration | Priority 2 | 5 |
Unsignalized Density | Road Configuration | Priority 2 | 5 |
Signalized intersection density | Road Configuration | Priority 2 | 5 |
Number of Through lanes | Road Configuration | Priority 2 | 4 |
Schools | Trip generators | Priority 3 | 2 |
Park | Trip generators | Priority 3 | 2 |
Assisted living facility | Trip generators | Priority 3 | 2 |
Figure 12: Three Tiers of Need for Lower Speed

The third layer of the evaluation is an output table (Table 3), where the functional classification, the land use, and the point system evaluation play a role in determining the observed speed percentile that should govern the speed limit setting. The possible outputs of the methodology are closest 85th percentile (C85), roundeddown 85th percentile (RD85), closest 50th percentile (C50), and rounded down 50th percentile (RD50). (E.g. if the 50th percentile speed is 33 mph, then the C50 output would be 35 mph, while the RD50 output would be 30 mph, etc.).
Table 3: Output Table - Recommended Rounding Percentile of Speed
Speed Category | Land Use | ||||||||
Residential/ Mixed Used | Business/ Downtown | Industrial/ Agricultural | |||||||
Tier III | Tier II | Tier I | Tier III | Tier II | Tier I | Tier III | Tier II | Tier I | |
Collector | C50 | RD50 | RD50 | C50 | C50 | RD50 | RD85 | RD85 | C50 |
Minor Arterial | C50 | C50 | RD50 | RD85 | C50 | C50 | C85 | RD85 | RD85 |
Principal Arterial | RD85 | C50 | C50 | C85 | RD85 | RD85 | C85 | C85 | RD85 |
The fourth layer is the Speed Limit Table (Table 4) which establishes ranges of appropriate speeds for each land use and functional classification group. The table is also a policy defining piece of the methodology, where the city is able to define target speeds irrespective of the observed operational speeds of the corridor. Whenever the operating speeds in a segment falls outside the speed range shown in the Speed Limit Table, the values in the table will dictate the speed limit methodology’s recommendation for the segment
Table 4: Recommended Speed Limit Ranges by Functional Classification and Land Use
Functional Classification | Land Use | ||
Downtown | Residential/Mixed Use /Business/Public | Industrial/ Agricultural | |
Local (shown for informational purposes only) | 20 mph | 20 mph | 20 mph |
Collector | 20 - 25 mph | 20 - 30 mph | 25 - 35 mph |
Minor Arterial | 20 - 35 mph | 30 - 40 mph | |
Principal Arterial | 25 - 35 mph | 30 - 45 mph |
The fifth and final layer is to apply engineering judgement to ensure that the final recommendation is context-sensitive, financially and technically feasible, and meets the expectation of the community. City staff will review the corridor, its surrounding areas, and the speed recommended by the methodology to validate and refine the results as needed. Special attention will be given to corridors near the city limits where roads transition from Boulder’s jurisdiction to County roads and consistency on the posted speed limit is expected. Segments with recommended changes greater than 5 miles per hour will be manually reviewed as well. Long corridors will also be checked to ensure consistency on the posted speed limits, ensuring that the posted signs do not unnecessarily change without significant changes on the road context. While city staff understand and respect the methodology used to develop recommended speed limits on evaluated segments, as part of its unwavering commitment to Vision Zero, the city is not planning to raise any posted speed limits at this time. Engineering judgment will be applied to segments with recommended speed limit reductions to ensure consistency, credibility, and enforceability. The proposed Boulder speed limit setting methodology not only incorporates city-specific parameters but also establishes a precedent to determine policies that extend beyond the operating speeds.
8. Preliminary Results
VIII. Preliminary Results
Preliminary results account for the full methodology application on all the evaluated segments. Fifteen of the 137 segments did not have speed data available and for those locations; the methodology suggests the rounding criteria for those segments (i.e., rounded down 50th percentile versus closest 85th percentile). With a focus on a data-driven approach, vehicular speed and volume data was collected at 206 new locations, in three-day (Tuesday through Thursday) periods that varied from October 31 to December 21, 2023, excluding major holidays and weekends, as shown on Figure 13. Additional data previously collected by the city from various other efforts were also included in the evaluation. A total of 240 speed data collection points were incorporated in this study. This represented one of the largest data collection efforts ever undertaken by the city. Figure 14 shows the recommended speed limits after the application of the methodology. Figure 15 shows the methodology-recommended change in speed limit after comparing it with the existing posted speed limit for each of the street segments. Neither Figure 14 nor Figure 15 account for the final layer of engineering judgment. The goal is to showcase how the methodology performs by itself before city staff refinement to demonstrate the robustness of the methodology.
Figure 13: Speed Data Collection Location

Figure 14: Methodology-Recommended Speed Limits (Does Not Account for Engineering Judgement Refinements)

Figure 14 shows the methodology-recommended speed limit, before the engineering judgement refinement. It can be observed that the lower speed limits are found towards the city center and near the downtown area. The highest speed limits are found in industrial/ agricultural areas towards the city’s borders. The speed limit on those higher-speed locations will need to be evaluated and refined to ensure a consistent transition between city and County roads and CDOT state highways.
Table 5 shows the length of the segments (miles) by functional classification and methodology-recommended speed limit. The methodology indicated that the recommended speed limit should be 40 mph on 4 miles, and 45 mph on 3.2 miles of approximately 67 miles of evaluated roadway. There were 5.5 miles of segments that did not have available speed data. These are shown in the RD50, C50, and RD85 columns of Table 5. Once data is collected on those segments, the rounding criteria can easily be applied
Speed Category: | Recommended Speed Limit (mph) or Rounding Criteria | Total Length (mi.) | ||||||||
20 | 25 | 30 | 25 | 40 | 45 | RD50 | C50 | RD85 | ||
Total Length (mi.) | ||||||||||
Collector | 3.1 | 9.6 | 10.8 | 2.5 | 2.1 | 1.7 | 0.5 | 30.4 | ||
Minor Arterial | 1.5 | 4.6 | 7.7 | 4.8 | 3.5 | 0.7 | 22.9 | |||
Principal Arterial | 2.0 | 4.4 | 1.9 | 0.4 | 3.2 | 0.4 | 12.4 | |||
Total Length (mi.) | 5.8 | 16.2 | 23.0 | 9.2 | 4.0 | 3.2 | 2.5 | 2.4 | 0.5 | 66.9 |
Figure 15: Methodology - Recommended Change in Speed Limit (Does not Account for Engineering Judgement Refinements)

Figure 15 shows the methodology recommended changes to the speed limit and Table 6 documents the length of the segments by recommended change. Along the HRN, no increases to speed limits are recommended. Of the miles of roads evaluated for which speed data was available, approximately half (30 miles) are not suggested for changes in speed limit. The most common recommended change is a 5 mph reduction, which applies to 20.7 miles of the network evaluated. Less than 8 miles are suggested for increases in the speed limit; however, based on a city policy decision, speed limits are not planned to be raised on any segments at this time.
Table 6: Total Length of Methodology-Recommended Speed Limit Change by HRN and Non-HRN Streets
Category | Suggested Change in Speed Limit (mph) | |||||
-10 | -5 | 0 | 5 | 10 | Total Length (mi.) | |
High Risk Network (HRN) | 1.6 | 11.5 | 5.8 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 18.9 |
Not on HRN | 1.5 | 9.2 | 24.2 | 6.6 | 0.8 | 42.4 |
Total Length (mi.) | 3.2 | 20.7 | 30.0 | 6.6 | 0.8 | 61.4 |
10. Implementation
The project team will continue to work on validate the results of the methodology and refine the results through engineering judgement. City staff continues to work on the implementation plan and signing recommendations. In accordance with the timeline of the 2023-2027 Vision Zero Action Plan, speed limit changes are expected to be fully implemented across the transportation system by 2027. Given the magnitude of anticipated changes across the system, it is likely a phased implementation will be needed to ensure the following:
- Motorists are given proper notice of speed limit changes through press releases, website updates, and social media posts.
- Other activities required due to speed limit changes are coordinated with implementation. These include such things as:
- Adjustments to coordinated traffic signal timing plans and other signal timing parameters that are impacted by the posted speed limit.
- Assessment of sign locations.
- The timing and use of automated enforcement along corridors with recommended speed limit changes will also need to be coordinated with the Police Department.
An implementation report should be prepared for each of the street segments that addresses the following:
- Review of the data used in the methodology and updates to it, if necessary.
- Review the ends of the street segment and ensure the transition is appropriate.
- Coordinate with Boulder County and CDOT if county or state-owned streets are adjacent to the project
- Conduct a site visit and collect data on existing speed limit sign locations and conditions.
- Prepare a new speed limit sign design plans that shows the location of the new signs, removal of old signs, and quantifies the items. New signs should be placed at:
- Approximately 0.25 mile spacing
- The far-side of all collector and arterial intersections.
Figure Text Alternatives
Streets in Boulder are classified as local, collector, minor arterial and principal arterial. This map highlights the collector, minor arterial, and principal arterial streets.
- 47th Street from Diagonal Highway to Jay Road
- Baseline Road from Flagstaff Road to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Balsam Avenueto Hawthorn Avenue
- 9th Street from Marine Street to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Edgewood Drive from 19th Street to Folsom Street
- 9th Street from Baseline Road to University Avenue
- Pine Street from 11th Street to 17th Street
- Baseline Road from 9th Street to Broadway
- Walnut Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pine Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pine Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- Pine Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- 17th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 17th Street from University Avenueto Arapahoe Avenue
- 17th Street from Arapahoe Avenueto Walnut Street
- 19th Street from Violet Avenueto Yarmouth Avenue
- Dartmouth Avenue from cul-de-sac to Broadway
- Table Mesa Drive from Vassar Drive to Lehigh Street
- Lehigh Street from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Moorhead Avenue from 27th Way to Table Mesa Drive
- 32nd Street from Walnut Street to Prairie Avenue
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to Foothills Parkway ramp
- Kalmia Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to east end of Kalmia
- 55th Street from Baseline Road to Arapahoe Avenue
- Spine Road from Longbow Drive to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Stazio Drive to Stazio Drive
- Linden Avenue from Linden Drive to Broadway
- Lee Hill Drive from City Limits to Broadway
- Arapahoe Avenue from 6th Street to 9th Street
- 19th Street from Iris Avenueto Violet Avenue
- 33rd Street from Arapahoe to Walnut Street
- Walnut Street from 30th Street to cul-de-sac
- 47th Street from Pearl Parkway to Valmont Road
- 47th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Spine Road from City Limits to Longbow Drive
- Gunbarrel Avenue from Spine Road to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Arapahoe Avenueto Stazio Drive
- Spine Road from 63rd Street to Lookout Road
- Hawthorn Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Sioux Drive from 55th Street to Baseline Road
- 55th Street from South Boulder Road to Sioux Drive
- Greenbriar Boulevard from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- Gillaspie Drive from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Walnut Street from Folsom Street to 26th Street
- 26th Street from McGuckin Way to Pearl Street
- 26th Street from Folsom Street to Jay Road
- Walnut Street from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- University Avenue from Broadway to 17th Street
- University Avenue from Marshall Street to Broadway
- Pearl Street from 47th Street to 50th Street
Minor Arterials:
- Colorado Avenue from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway
- Valmont Road from 47th Street to Airport Boulevard
- Valmont Road from Airport Boulevard to 55th Street
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue
- Baseline Road from Sioux Drive to Cherryvale Road
- 71st Street from Winchester Circle to Mineral Road
- 9th Street from Dewey Avenueto Balsam Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Walnut Street to Pearl Street
- 9th Street from Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 9th Street from Arapahoe Avenueto Walnut Street
- 20th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 20th Street from Pine Street to 2879 aley
- Monarch Road from 63rd Street to 71st Street
- 9th Street from Mapleton Avenueto Dewey Avenue
- Pearl Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Spruce Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- 11th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Walnut Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- Pearl Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Violet Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Violet Avenue from 19th Street to 28th Street
- Valmont Road from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 30th Street from Colorado Avenueto Arapahoe Avenue
- Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 27th Way from Broadway to Baseline Road
- Table Mesa Drive from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- 30th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- 30th Street from Pearl Street to Valmont Road
- 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenueto Pearl Parkway
- Valmont Road from 30th Street to 47th Street
- 30th Street from Baseline Road to Colorado Avenue
- Airport Boulevard from Valmont Road to cul-de-sac
- Baseline Road from Foothills Parkway to Sioux Drive
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Valmont Road
- 71st Street from Kalmia Avenue to Winchester Circle
- Lookout Road from Kalmia Avenue to 75th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 9th Street to 17th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- Lee Hill Drive from Broadway to 28th Street
- Yarmouth Avenue from Broadway to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pearl Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- 20th Street from 2879 aley to 19th Street
- 19th Street from 20th Street to Iris Avenue
- Folsom Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road
- Folsom Street from Valmont Road to 26th Street
- Folsom Street from Pearl Street to Pine Street
- Folsom Street from Arapahoe Avenueto Pearl Street
- Lookout Road from 63rd Street to Gunpark Drive
- 15th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Jay Road from 26th Street to 28th Street
Principal Arterials:
- Broadway from Iris Avenue to Redwood Avenue
- Iris Avenue from 19th Street to 26th Street
- Iris Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Baseline Road from US36 ramp to 30th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 30th Street to 47th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 47th Street to 49th
- Table Mesa Drive from Broadway to Moorhead Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Moorhead Avenue to South Boulder Road
- Baseline Road from Mohawk Drive to Foothills Parkway
- 63rd Street from Lookout Road to Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road
- 63rd Street from Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road to Reservoir Trail
- Broadway from Lee Hill Drive to Foothills Highway
- Broadway from Redwood Avenue to Violet Avenue
- Baseline Road from 30th Street to Mohawk Drive
- Pearl Parkway from 49th to Valmont Road
- 63rd Street from private Road to Monarch Road
- 63rd Street from Spine Road to Lookout Road
- 63rd Street from Gunbarrel Avenue to Spine Road
- 63rd Street from city limits to Gunbarrel Avenue
- Broadway from Violet Avenue to Lee Hill Drive
- Broadway from Canyon Boulevard to Mapleton Avenue
- Broadway from Mapleton Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Broadway from Balsam Avenue to Iris Avenue
- Pearl Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 28th Street to 30th Street
- Balsam Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Iris Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
A chart shows the distribution of speed limits by street classification. All local streets have a speed limit of 20 mph, unless otherwise posted. For collectors, 58% are 25 mph, 32% are 30 mph, 7% are 35 mph, and 3% are 40 mph. For minor arterials, 8% are 20 mph, 8% are 25 mph, 25% are 30 mph, 39% are 35 mph, 16% are 40 mph, and 4% are 45 mph. For principal arterials, 2% are 25 mph, 19% are 30 mph, 41% are 35 mph, 32% are 40 mph, and 6% are 45 mph.
This map shows categories of existing zoning classifications – downtown, residential/mixed-use/public, business, and industrial/agricultural. The speed limit setting methodology takes into consideration these existing land-uses on either side of the Street. Residential/mixed use/public land-use covers approximately 78% of Boulder’s land area, concentrated in south, west, and north Boulder. The business land use covers 5% of Boulder’s land area and is concentrated in central Boulder and Gunbarrel. Industrial/agricultural makes up 16% of city land area and occurring in east and north Boulder and Gunbarrel. Finally, the downtown zoning classification occurs least often, making up 1% of Boulder’s land area in the downtown area.
A chart shows the percent of land area covered by each zoning classification and the percent of street segments in those categories analyzed in the project. Business zoning makes up 5% of city land area. 5% of the street segments analyzed in this project are in business areas. Downtown zoning makes up 1% of city land area. 3% of street segments analyzed are in downtown areas. Industrial/agricultural zoning makes up 16% of city land area. 23% of street segments analyzed are in industrial/agricultural areas. Residential/mixed-use zoning makes up 78% of city land area. 69% of street segments analyzed are in residential/mixed-use areas.
This map shows the street segments evaluated in this study, categorized by their surrounding land use. There are 12 street segments in the business land use, 10 in downtown, 28 in industrial/agricultural, and 87 in residential/mixed use/public.
- Arapahoe Avenue from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Baseline Road from Ramp to 30th Street
- Baseline Road from Mohawk Drive to Foothills Parkway
- Broadway from Mapleton Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Pearl Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 28th Street to 30th Street
- 32nd Street from Walnut Street to Prairie Avenue
- 30th Street from Pearl Street to Valmont Road
- 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Parkway
- Folsom Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Street
- Walnut Street from Folsom Street to 26th Street
- 26th Street from McGuckin Way to Pearl Street
- 9th Street from Walnut Street to Pearl Street
- Broadway from Canyon Boulevard to Mapleton Avenue
- Walnut Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pearl Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Spruce Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- 11th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Walnut Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- Pearl Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- 15th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Valmont Road from 47th Street to Airport Boulevard
- Valmont Road from Airport Boulevard to 55th Street
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue
- 71st Street from Winchester Circle to Mineral Road
- Pearl Parkway from 30th Street to 47th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 47th Street to 49th Street
- 63rd Street from Lookout Road to Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road
- 63rd Street from Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road to Reservoir Trail
- Broadway from Lee Hill Drive to Foothills Highway
- Pearl Parkway from 49th Street to Valmont Road
- 63rd Street from private road to Monarch Road
- 63rd Street from Spine Road to Lookout Road
- 63rd Street from Gunbarrel Avenue to Spine Road
- 63rd Street from city limits to Gunbarrel Avenue
- Monarch Road from 63rd Street to 71st Street
- Airport Boulevard from Valmont Road to cul-de-sac
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Valmont Road
- 71st Street from Kalmia Avenue to Winchester Circle
- Spine Road from Longbow Drive to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Stazio Drive to Stazio Drive
- Lookout Road from 63rd Street to Gunpark Drive
- 33rd Street from Arapahoe to Walnut Street
- Walnut Street from 30th Street to cul-de-sac
- 47th Street from Pearl Parkway to Valmont Road
- Gunbarrel Avenue from Spine Road to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Stazio Drive
- Spine Road from 63rd Street to Lookout Road
- Pearl Street from 47th Street to 50th Street
Residential/Mixed Use/Public:
- Colorado Avenue from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway
- Baseline Road from Sioux Drive to Cherryvale Road
- Broadway from Iris Avenue to Redwood Avenue
- Iris Avenue from 19th Street to 26th Street
- Iris Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Broadway to Moorhead Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Moorhead Avenue to South Boulder Road
- 9th Street from Dewey Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 9th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- 20th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 20th Street from Pine Street to 2879 aley
- Broadway from Redwood Avenue to Violet Avenue
- Baseline Road from 30th Street to Mohawk Drive
- 47th Street from Diagonal Highway to Jay Road
- Broadway from Violet Avenue to Lee Hill Drive
- Broadway from Balsam Avenue to Iris Avenue
- Baseline Road from Flagstaff Road to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Balsam Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue
- 9th Street from Marine Street to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Edgewood Drive from 19th Street to Folsom Street
- 9th Street from Baseline Road to University Avenue
- Pine Street from 11th Street to 17th Street
- Baseline Road from 9th Street to Broadway
- Pine Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pine Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- Pine Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- 17th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 17th Street from University Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- 17th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- 19th Street from Violet Avenue to Yarmouth Avenue
- Dartmouth Avenue from cul-de-sac to Broadway
- Table Mesa Drive from Vassar Drive to Lehigh Street
- Lehigh Street from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Moorhead Avenue from 27th Way to Table Mesa Drive
- 9th Street from Mapleton Avenue to Dewey Avenue
- Violet Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Violet Avenue from 19th Street to 28th Street
- Valmont Road from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 30th Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 27th Way from Broadway to Baseline Road
- Table Mesa Drive from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- 30th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Valmont Road from 30th Street to 47th Street
- 30th Street from Baseline Road to Colorado Avenue
- Baseline Road from Foothills Parkway to Sioux Drive
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to Foothills Parkway Ramp
- Kalmia Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to east end of Kalmia
- Lookout Road from Kalmia Avenue to 75th Street
- 55th Street from Baseline Road to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Arapahoe Avenue from 9th Street to 17th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- Lee Hill Drive from Broadway to 28th Street
- Yarmouth Avenue from Broadway to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from17th Street to 20th Street
- Pearl Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- 20th Street from 2879 aley to 19th Street
- 19th Street from 20th Street to Iris Avenue
- Folsom Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road
- Folsom Street from Valmont Road to 26th Street
- Folsom Street from Pearl Street to Pine Street
- Linden Avenue from Linden Drive to Broadway
- Lee Hill Drive from city limits to Broadway
- Arapahoe Avenue from 6th Street to 9th Street
- 19th Street from Iris Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 47th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Spine Road from city limits to Longbow Drive
- Hawthorn Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Iris Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Aurora Avenue from 30th Street to Mohawk Road
- Sioux Drive from 55th Street to Baseline Road
- 55th Street from South Boulder Road to Sioux Drive
- Greenbriar Boulevard from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- Gillaspie Drive from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Glenwood Drive from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 26th Street from Folsom Street to Jay Road
- Walnut Street from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- Jay Road from 26th Street to 28th Street
- University Avenue from Broadway to 17th Street
- University Avenue from Marshall Street to Broadway
This flow chart shows the methodology in 5 layers. The first layer of evaluation is identifying if the segment is part of the existing High-Risk Network (HRN). The HRN, developed as part of the 2023-2027 Vision Zero Action Plan, represents just 7% of city streets but accounts for 48% of serious- and fatal-injury crashes in the city. Within the methodology, street segments in the HRN are set to default to lower speeds by recommending to the rounded-down 50th-percentile speed. This priority step aligns with the city’s Vision Zero commitment, streamlines the process by eliminating Subsequent layers of analysis, and aligns with the Safer Speeds aspect of the Safe Systems Approach.
The second layer of evaluation is a point system that quantifies the need for lower speeds. Points were awarded to locations based on 16 factors. Each factor is given a point, ranging from 1-15, depending on its priority in determining the appropriate posted speed limit. For example, a segment with a crash resulting in a fatality is given 15 points, while presence of a park within ¼ mile of the segment is given 2 points. Thirty-five percent of the available points are allocated to crash related factors, thirty-five percent to multimodal use and facility factors, twenty-four percent to road configuration factors, and six percent by the presence of trip generators factors. This step reinforces the data-driven approach of the methodology and defines Boulder specific thresholds for all 16 factors. The assigned points determine the associated tier for the segment, with Tier I being 55-100 points, Tier 2 being 34-54 points, and Tier 3 being 0-33 points.
The third layer of the evaluation is an output table, where the functional classification, the land use, and the point system evaluation play a role in determining the observed speed percentile that should govern the speed limit setting. The possible outputs of the methodology are closest 85th percentile (C85), rounded-down 85th percentile (RD85), closest 50th percentile (C50), and rounded down 50th percentile (RD50). (E.g. if the 50th percentile speed is 33 mph, then the C50 output would be 35 mph, while the RD50 output would be 30 mph, etc.).
The fourth layer is the Speed Limit Table which establishes ranges of appropriate speeds for each land use and functional classification group. The table is also a policy defining piece of the methodology, where the city is able to define target speeds irrespective of the observed operational speeds of the corridor. Whenever the operating speeds in a segment falls outside the speed range shown in the Speed Limit Table, the values in the table will dictate the speed limit methodology’s recommendation for the segment.
The fifth and final layer is to apply engineering judgement to ensure that the final recommendation is context-sensitive, financially and technically feasible, and meets the expectation of the community. City staff will review the corridor, its surrounding areas, and the speed recommended by the methodology to validate and refine the results as needed. Special attention will be given to corridors near the city limits where roads transition from Boulder’s jurisdiction to County roads and consistency on the posted speed limit is expected. Segments with recommended changes greater than 5 miles per hour will be manually reviewed as well. Long corridors will also be checked to ensure consistency on the posted speed limits, ensuring that the posted signs do not unnecessarily change without significant changes on the road context. While city staff understand and respect the methodology used to develop recommended speed limits on evaluated segments, as part of its unwavering commitment to Vision Zero, the city is not planning to raise any posted speed limits at this time. Engineering judgment will be applied to segments with recommended speed limit reductions to ensure consistency, credibility, and enforceability. The proposed Boulder speed limit setting methodology not only incorporates city-specific parameters but also establishes a precedent to determine policies that extend beyond the operating speeds.
This map shows the evaluated street segments categorized into three tiers of need for lower speeds. The tiers were calculated using a 16-factor point system. Tier 1 consists of 39 street segments, Tier 2 of 58 segments, and Tier 3 of 40 segments.
Tier 1:
- Baseline Road from Ramp to 30th Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Broadway to Moorhead Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Moorhead Avenue to South Boulder Road
- Baseline Road from Mohawk Drive to Foothills Parkway
- 9th Street from Walnut Street to Pearl Street
- 9th Street from Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue
- 9th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- 20th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- Broadway from Lee Hill Drive to Foothills Highway
- Baseline Road from 30th Street to Mohawk Drive
- Broadway from Violet Avenue to Lee Hill Drive
- Broadway from Canyon Boulevard to Mapleton Avenue
- Pearl Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Pine Street from 11th Street to 17th Street
- Baseline Road from 9th Street to Broadway
- 17th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 17th Street from University Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- 17th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- Moorhead Avenue from 27th Way to Table Mesa Drive
- Pearl Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Spruce Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- 11th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Walnut Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- 30th Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 30th Street from Pearl Street to Valmont Road
- 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Parkway
- 30th Street from Baseline Road to Colorado Avenue
- Arapahoe Avenue from 9th Street to 17th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- Lee Hill Drive from Broadway to 28th Street
- Folsom Street from Valmont Road to 26th Street
- Folsom Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Street
- 15th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Aurora Avenue from 30th Street to Mohawk Road
- 26th Street from McGuckin Way to Pearl Street
- University Avenue from Broadway to 17th Street
- University Avenue from Marshall Street to Broadway
Tier 2:
- Colorado Avenue from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway
- Broadway from Iris Avenue to Redwood Avenue
- Iris Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 30th Street to 47th Street
- 9th Street from Dewey Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street
- Mapleton Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 20th Street from Pine Street to 2879 aley
- Broadway from Redwood Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 63rd Street from private road to Monarch Road
- Broadway from Mapleton Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Broadway from Balsam Avenue to Iris Avenue
- Pearl Street from 28th Street to 30th Street
- Baseline Road from Flagstaff Road to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Balsam Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue
- 9th Street from Marine Street to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Edgewood Drive from 19th Street to Folsom Street
- 9th Street from Baseline Road to University Avenue
- Walnut Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pine Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pine Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- Pine Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- 19th Street from Violet Avenue to Yarmouth Avenue
- Dartmouth Avenue from cul-de-sac to Broadway
- Table Mesa Drive from Vassar Drive to Lehigh Street
- Lehigh Street from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- 9th Street from Mapleton Avenue to Dewey Avenue
- Pearl Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Violet Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Valmont Road from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- 30th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Valmont Road from 30th Street to 47th Street
- Kalmia Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- 55th Street from Baseline Road to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Yarmouth Avenue from Broadway to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pearl Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- 20th Street from 2879 aley to 19th Street
- 19th Street from 20th Street to Iris Avenue
- Folsom Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road
- Folsom Street from Pearl Street to Pine Street
- Lookout Road from 63rd Street to Gunpark Drive
- Lee Hill Drive from city limits to Broadway
- Arapahoe Avenue from 6th Street to 9th Street
- Walnut Street from 30th Street to cul-de-sac
- Spine Road from 63rd Street to Lookout Road
- Hawthorn Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Iris Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Gillaspie Drive from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Walnut Street from Folsom Street to 26th Street
- Glenwood Drive from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 26th Street from Folsom Street to Jay Road
- Walnut Street from 17th Street to Folsom Street
Tier 3:
- Valmont Road from 47th Street to Airport Boulevard
- Valmont Road from Airport Boulevard to 55th Street
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue
- Baseline Road from Sioux Drive to Cherryvale Road
- 71st Street from Winchester Circle to Mineral Road
- Iris Avenue from 19th Street to 26th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 47th Street to 49th Street
- 63rd Street from Lookout Road to Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road
- 63rd Street from Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road to Reservoir Trail
- Pearl Parkway from 49th Street to Valmont Road
- 63rd Street from Spine Road to Lookout Road
- 63rd Street from Gunbarrel Avenue to Spine Road
- 63rd Street from city limits to Gunbarrel Avenue
- 47th Street from Diagonal Highway to Jay Road
- Monarch Road from 63rd Street to 71st Street
- 32nd Street from Walnut Street to Prairie Avenue
- Violet Avenue from 19th Street to 28th Street
- 27th Way from Broadway to Baseline Road
- Airport Boulevard from Valmont Road to cul-de-sac
- Baseline Road from Foothills Parkway to Sioux Drive
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Valmont Road
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to Foothills Parkway Ramp
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to east end of Kalmia
- 71st Street from Kalmia Avenue to Winchester Circle
- Lookout Road from Kalmia Avenue to 75th Street
- Spine Road from Longbow Drive to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Stazio Drive to Stazio Drive
- Linden Avenue from Linden Drive to Broadway
- 19th Street from Iris Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 33rd Street from Arapahoe to Walnut Street
- 47th Street from Pearl Parkway to Valmont Road
- 47th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Spine Road from city limits to Longbow Drive
- Gunbarrel Avenue from Spine Road to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Stazio Drive
- Sioux Drive from 55th Street to Baseline Road
- 55th Street from South Boulder Road to Sioux Drive
- Greenbriar Boulevard from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- Jay Road from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 47th Street to 50th Street
This map shows the recommended speed limits for the evaluated Street segments. There are 17 street segments recommended at 20 mph, 36 street segments recommended at 25 mph, 40 street segments recommended at 30 mph, 15 street segments recommended at 35 mph, 7 street segments recommended at 40 mph, and 7 street segments recommended at 45 mph.
20 mph:
- 9th Street from Walnut Street to Pearl Street
- 20th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 9th Street from Balsam Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue
- Pine Street from 11th Street to 17th Street
- 17th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 19th Street from Violet Avenue to Yarmouth Avenue
- Dartmouth Avenue from cul-de-sac to Broadway
- Pearl Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- Pearl Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pearl Street from17th Street to 20th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 6th Street to 9th Street
- Hawthorn Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Aurora Avenue from 30th Street to Mohawk Road
- Glenwood Drive from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- Walnut Street from 17th Street to Folsom Street
25 mph:
- Baseline Road from Ramp to 30th Street
- 9th Street from Dewey Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 9th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- 20th Street from Pine Street to 2879 aley
- Broadway from Violet Avenue to Lee Hill Drive
- Broadway from Canyon Boulevard to Mapleton Avenue
- Broadway from Balsam Avenue to Iris Avenue
- Pearl Street from 28th Street to 30th Street
- Baseline Road from Flagstaff Road to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Marine Street to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Edgewood Drive from 19th Street to Folsom Street
- 9th Street from Baseline Road to University Avenue
- Baseline Road from 9th Street to Broadway
- Walnut Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pine Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pine Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- Pine Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- 17th Street from University Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- 17th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Vassar Drive to Lehigh Street
- Lehigh Street from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Moorhead Avenue from 27th Way to Table Mesa Drive
- 9th Street from Mapleton Avenue to Dewey Avenue
- Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 9th Street to 17th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- 20th Street from 2879 aley to 19th Street
- Folsom Street from Valmont Road to 26th Street
- Folsom Street from Pearl Street to Pine Street
- Folsom Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Street
- 26th Street from Folsom Street to Jay Road
- University Avenue from Marshall Street to Broadway
30 mph:
- Valmont Road from 47th Street to Airport Boulevard
- Broadway from Iris Avenue to Redwood Avenue
- Iris Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 30th Street to 47th Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Broadway to Moorhead Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Moorhead Avenue to South Boulder Road
- Broadway from Lee Hill Drive to Foothills Highway
- Broadway from Redwood Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 47th Street from Diagonal Highway to Jay Road
- Broadway from Mapleton Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Pearl Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Violet Avenue from 19th Street to 28th Street
- Valmont Road from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 27th Way from Broadway to Baseline Road
- Table Mesa Drive from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- 30th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- 30th Street from Pearl Street to Valmont Road
- 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Parkway
- Valmont Road from 30th Street to 47th Street
- 30th Street from Baseline Road to Colorado Avenue
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to Foothills Parkway Ramp
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to east end of Kalmia
- 55th Street from Baseline Road to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Lee Hill Drive from Broadway to 28th Street
- Yarmouth Avenue from Broadway to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- 19th Street from 20th Street to Iris Avenue
- Folsom Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road
- Linden Avenue from Linden Drive to Broadway
- Lee Hill Drive from city limits to Broadway
- 19th Street from Iris Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 33rd Street from Arapahoe to Walnut Street
- Walnut Street from 30th Street to cul-de-sac
- 47th Street from Pearl Parkway to Valmont Road
- 47th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Spine Road from city limits to Longbow Drive
- Gunbarrel Avenue from Spine Road to 63rd Street
- Greenbriar Boulevard from Lehigh Street to Broadway
35 mph:
- Colorado Avenue from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway
- Valmont Road from Airport Boulevard to 55th Street
- Baseline Road from Sioux Drive to Cherryvale Road
- Iris Avenue from 19th Street to 26th Street
- Baseline Road from 30th Street to Mohawk Drive
- Violet Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- 30th Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Airport Boulevard from Valmont Road to cul-de-sac
- Baseline Road from Foothills Parkway to Sioux Drive
- Lookout Road from Kalmia Avenue to 75th Street
- Spine Road from Longbow Drive to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Stazio Drive to Stazio Drive
- 63rd Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Stazio Drive
- Spine Road from 63rd Street to Lookout Road
- Iris Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
40 mph:
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue
- 71st Street from Winchester Circle to Mineral Road
- 63rd Street from Lookout Road to Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road
- Monarch Road from 63rd Street to 71st Street
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Valmont Road
- 71st Street from Kalmia Avenue to Winchester Circle
- Lookout Road from 63rd Street to Gunpark Drive
45 mph:
- Pearl Parkway from 47th Street to 49th Street
- 63rd Street from Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road to Reservoir Trail
- Pearl Parkway from 49th Street to Valmont Road
- 63rd Street from private road to Monarch Road
- 63rd Street from Spine Road to Lookout Road
- 63rd Street from Gunbarrel Avenue to Spine Road
- 63rd Street from city limits to Gunbarrel Avenue
For the street segments that did not have any available speed data, the methodology suggested the output speeds that were recommended based on the data that was available. The final speeds are not listed but the suggested output is as described.
Rounded Down 50th percentile speed:
- Arapahoe Avenue from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Baseline Road from Mohawk Drive to Foothills Parkway
- Kalmia Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Gillaspie Drive from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- 26th Street from McGuckin Way to Pearl Street
- University Avenue from Broadway to 17th Street
Closest 50th percentile speed:
- 32nd Street from Walnut Street to Prairie Avenue
- Spruce Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- 11th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- 15th Street from Walnut Street to Spruce Street
- Sioux Drive from 55th Street to Baseline Road
- 55th Street from South Boulder Road to Sioux Drive
- Walnut Street from Folsom Street to 26th Street
- Jay Road from 26th Street to 28th Street
Rounded Down 85th percentile speed:
- Pearl Street from 47th Street to 50th Street
This map shows the difference in the recommended speed limits compared to the existing speed limits for the evaluated street segments. 8 streets segments have a recommended decrease of 10 mph, 41 have a recommended decrease of 5 mph, and 59 have no recommended change. 12 street segments were recommended for an increase of 5 mph and 2 were recommended for an increase of 10 mph. While city staff understand and respect the methodology used to develop recommended speed limits on evaluated segments, as part of its unwavering commitment to Vision Zero, the city is not planning to raise any posted speed limits at this time.
10mph Decrease
- Valmont Road from 47th Street to Airport Boulevard
- Baseline Road from US36 ramp to 30th Street
- Broadway from Lee Hill Drive to Foothills Highway
- Broadway from Redwood Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 47th Street from Diagonal Highway to Jay Road
- Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- Pearl Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 6th Street to 9th Street
5 mph Decrease
- Colorado Avenue from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway
- Valmont Road from Airport Boulevard to 55th Street
- Baseline Road from Sioux Drive to Cherryvale Road
- Broadway from Iris Avenue to Redwood Avenue
- Iris Avenue from 26th Street to 28th Street
- Pearl Parkway from 30th Street to 47th Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Broadway to Moorhead Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Moorhead Avenue to South Boulder Road
- 9th Street from Walnut Street to Pearl Street
- 20th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 63rd Street from Lookout Road to Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road
- Baseline Road from 30th Street to Mohawk Drive
- Monarch Road from 63rd Street to 71st Street
- Broadway from Violet Avenue to Lee Hill Drive
- Broadway from Balsam Avenue to Iris Avenue
- Pearl Street from 28th Street to 30th Street
- 9th Street from Balsam Avenue to Hawthorn Avenue
- Pine Street from 11th Street to 17th Street
- 17th Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street
- 19th Street from Violet Avenue to Yarmouth Avenue
- Dartmouth Avenue from cul-de-sac to Broadway
- Violet Avenue from 19th Street to 28th Street
- Valmont Road from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 27th Way from Broadway to Baseline Road
- 30th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- 30th Street from Pearl Street to Valmont Road
- 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Parkway
- Valmont Road from 30th Street to 47th Street
- 30th Street from Baseline Road to Colorado Avenue
- 55th Street from Baseline Road to Arapahoe Avenue
- Arapahoe Avenue from 9th Street to 17th Street
- Arapahoe Avenue from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- 20th Street from 2879 aley to 19th Street
- Folsom Street from Pearl Street to Pine Street
- Folsom Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Street
- Hawthorn Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- Walnut Street from 17th Street to Folsom Street
- University Avenue from Marshall Street to Broadway
No Change
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue
- 71st Street from Winchester Circle to Mineral Road
- Iris Avenue from 19th Street to 26th Street
- 9th Street from Dewey Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 4th Street to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue
- Mapleton Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 9th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- 20th Street from Pine Street to 2879 aley
- 63rd Street from Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Road to Boulder Reservoir Trail
- Broadway from Canyon Boulevard to Mapleton Avenue
- Broadway from Mapleton Avenue to Balsam Avenue
- Pearl Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- Baseline Road from Flagstaff Road to 9th Street
- 9th Street from Marine Street to Arapahoe Avenue
- Balsam Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Edgewood Drive from 19th Street to Folsom Street
- 9th Street from Baseline Road to University Avenue
- Baseline Road from 9th Street to Broadway
- Walnut Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Pine Street from 17th Street to 20th Street
- Pine Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- Pine Street from Folsom Street to 28th Street
- 17th Street from University Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- 17th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Walnut Street
- Table Mesa Drive from Vassar Drive to Lehigh Street
- Lehigh Street from Greenbriar Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive
- Moorhead Avenue from 27th Way to Table Mesa Drive
- Pearl Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 7th Street to 11th Street
- Walnut Street from 11th Street to 15th Street
- Pearl Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
- Violet Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- 30th Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Table Mesa Drive from Lehigh Street to Broadway
- Airport Boulevard from Valmont Road to cul-de-sac
- Baseline Road from Foothills Parkway to Sioux Drive
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to Foothills Parkway ramp
- Kalmia Avenue from 28th Street to ramp
- Lookout Road from Kalmia Avenue to 75th Street
- Spine Road from Longbow Drive to 63rd Street
- 63rd Street from Stazio Drive to Stazio Drive
- Lee Hill Drive from Broadway to 28th Street
- Yarmouth Avenue from Broadway to 28th Street
- Pearl Street from 20th Street to Folsom Street
- 19th Street from 20th Street to Iris Avenue
- Folsom Street from Colorado Avenue to Arapahoe Avenue
- Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road
- Folsom Street from Valmont Road to 26th Street
- Linden Avenue from Linden Drive to Broadway
- Lee Hill Drive from city limits to Broadway
- 19th Street from Iris Avenue to Violet Avenue
- 33rd Street from Arapahoe to Walnut Street
- Walnut Street from 30th Street to cul-de-sac
- 47th Street from Pearl Parkway to Valmont Road
- 47th Street from Valmont Road to Diagonal Highway
- Spine Road from city limits to Longbow Drive
- Gunbarrel Avenue from Spine Road to 63rd Street
- Iris Avenue from Broadway to 19th Street
- Aurora Avenue from 30th Street to Mohawk Road
- Glenwood Drive from Folsom Street to 30th Street
- 26th Street from Folsom Street to Jay Road
5 mph Increase*
- Pearl Parkway from 49th to Valmont Road
- 63rd Street from private road to monarch Road
- 63rd Street from Spine Road to Lookout Road
- 63rd Street from Gunbarrel Avenue to Spine Road
- 63rd Street from city limits to Gunbarrel Avenue
- 9th Street from Mapleton Avenue to Dewey Avenue
- 55th Street from Flatiron Parkway to Valmont Road
- 71st Street from Kalmia Avenue to Winchester Circle
- Balsam Avenue from 9th Street to Broadway
- 63rd Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Stazio Drive
- Spine Road from 63rd Street to Lookout Road
- Greenbriar Boulevard from Lehigh Street to Broadway
10 mph Increase*
- Pearl Parkway from 47th Street to 49th
- Lookout Road from 63rd Street to Gunpark Drive
*While city staff understand and respect the methodology used to develop recommended speed limits on evaluated segments, as part of its unwavering commitment to Vision Zero, the city is not planning to raise any posted speed limits at this time.