City of Boulder Council Chambers

Board Agendas and Materials

For the time being, both the Boulder Junction Access District Parking Commission (BJAD - Parking) and the Boulder Junction Access District Travel Demand Management Commission (BJAD - TDM) meet at the same time and location, and are treated as a joint commission. In the future, after Boulder Junction is complete, the two commissions will act independently.

Both commissions typically meet on the third Wednesday of every other month at 4 p.m. in the W-100 Broadway Conference Room, Penfield Tate II Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway. They are currently meeting virtually.


Vacant Chair

Property Owner/Representative
Ryan Cook

Ryan Cook

Chair, Resident
Term Years
Rebekah Dumouchelle

Rebekah Dumouchelle

Property Owner/Representative
Term Years

Kevin Knapp

Property Owner/Representative
Term Years
Robyn Ronen

Robyn Ronen

Vice-Chair, Resident
Term Years

Boulder Junction Access District Meetings

New videos will be posted within three business days of each meeting.

Contact Boulder Junction Access District Parking Commission
BJAD-Parking District Map

Contact Lisa Wuycheck, Board Secretary