What is Lifelong Boulder?

Colorado is aging and our state demography office projects that Coloradans aged 60+ will outnumber those aged 18 and younger as soon as 2023. “Now is not the time to balk at this emerging reality, but it is a time to plan, prepare, and invest in our communities, so that quality of life is retained across the entire lifespan,” shared Colorado Governor Jared Polis.

Lifelong Boulder is part of a statewide initiative called Lifelong Colorado which aims to ensure all Coloradans will be able to live and fully participate in their communities for as long as possible.

A community that is well adapted for aging is one where all individuals can thrive. Age-inclusive communities foster economic growth and make for happier, healthier community members. Many cities across the nation are taking steps to ensure their communities are age-inclusive and Boulder is no exception.

In 2020 the Housing and Human Services Department convened a workgroup of staff members from various city departments and other stakeholders to create a set of recommendations to ensure Boulder can truly be an age-inclusive community.

These recommendations, which will guide the city’s work for years to come, cover four main areas:

  • Mobility and Access
  • Housing
  • Community Living
  • Support Services
Older adults touring Nude Food Market

Older Adult Services

Our mission is to inspire and empower older adults to age well through community connection, learning and play.

Older Adult Services offers all adults 60+ a safe and welcoming environment. Our programs and services are delivered in Age Well Centers that honor the needs and desires of older adults. We are committed to supporting an age-inclusive community through our work on anti-ageism, mitigating social isolation and encouraging community engagement. Our staff provides a continuum of services from health and wellness, lifelong learning to case management and supportive services.

Contact Eden Bailey