Our Zero Waste Goal

Waste reduction has long been a community value in the City of Boulder, and since the adoption of a Zero Waste Resolution in 2006, the city has worked to create programs, services and facilities with the goal of diverting 85% of waste from landfills by 2025.

Together, we can achieve zero waste.

Help our community reach 85% waste diversion by responsibly sorting your compost, trash and recycling. Check out our Waste Sorting 101 Guide to test your knowledge and learn more about these three waste streams.

Compost bin full of food

Food scraps in a compost bin.

Data on Computer

By the Numbers

Tracking waste shows how much we are generating and how we dispose of it. Boulder attempts to capture and account for all waste streams, but diversion rates are a dynamic calculation. As we work toward our zero waste goal, Boulder aims to track our waste habits in the most comprehensive and transparent way possible, with the hope of developing a universal standard in the future.

Learn about the city's tracking process and progress toward zero waste.

Moving Beyond Zero Waste

While achieving zero waste is an important part of tackling the climate crisis, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Our community is working to build a circular economy, a holistic rethinking of how we produce, buy, use and discard materials. Circularity reduces our reliance on landfills and recycling by building systems that do not create waste in the first place.

Learn About Circularity

Circular Boulder vision
Emma Ruffin