To help improve the opportunities for larger households with dependents to purchase appropriately sized homes, a dependent preference is included in the selection tiers for some homes. This includes all three-bedroom and up homes and some larger two bedroom homes. The selection details for each home listing will indicate if this preference is applicable.

Dependent Preference Criteria

  • Households of three or more people that work in Boulder and at least one member is a dependent will have the highest preference category for all permanently affordable homes with the dependent preference designation.
  • Within that preference category, the household with the greatest number of dependents will have the highest priority.
  • If two or more households have the same number of dependents, the standard work in Boulder/work in Boulder over 1 year/certified-for-a-year preferences will apply.
  • Households of two with one dependent will have preference over a household without any dependents no matter the number of people in the non-dependent household.

Dependent Classification

To be classified as a dependent the person needs to live in the home at least 50% of the year and meet at least one of the following:

  • Be under the age of 18;
  • Be a full-time student between the ages of 18 to 26; or
  • Is dependent on another household member or members to accomplish daily living tasks.

A married spouse, domestic partner, or an unmarried partner (i.e. boyfriend/girlfriend) is not considered a dependent.

Notice of Nondiscrimination