The City of Boulder is committed to making homes in our community available to a variety of people. We offer opportunities for homeownership to those with low, moderate and middle incomes.

Homeownership Programs
Free classes are available online and in-person to help people better understand the programs and home buying process. If you move forward with an application some of these classes are required.
Permanently Affordable Homes Program
Homes are sold at below market-rate prices to income eligible buyers who intend to owner occupy the home. Homes are permanently affordable and governed by an Affordability Covenant that limits the resale price and places other restrictions on the home. Homes for sale in this program are listed on our website.
Solution Grant: Down Payment Assistance Grant Program
The Solution Grant assists with down payment and closing costs for buyers with lower assets. The grant bridges the gap between money the buyer has available for down payment and closing costs and the minimum required to close. These grants are for buyers purchasing select Permanently Affordable homes, or Thistle Communities Land Trust homes in Boulder city limits. Each listing on our website will indicate if the home is eligible for a Solution Grant.
H2O: House to Homeownership: Down Payment Assistance Loan Program
The shared appreciation loan program provides a second loan for up to $100,000 on market rate homes purchased in the city of Boulder. In support of the primary loan, this additional loan is intended to help buyers with limited assets close on the purchase of a home in Boulder. No payments are made on the loan for 30 years unless the home is sold or the title is transferred. When the loan comes due the full amount is due back along with a share of the appreciation. This loan can be used on market rate homes. It is not designed to be used with the city’s permanently affordable program.
Middle Income Down Payment Assistance Pilot Program
The City of Boulder’s Middle Income Down Payment Assistance Pilot Program offers middle-income households a zero-interest second mortgage. The loan amount is $200,000 or 30% of the home’s sale price, whichever is less. In exchange for this down payment assistance, the buyer agrees to deed restrict the home to keep it affordable to future buyers. The interest on the DPA loan is 0% and no monthly payments are made on the loan. After 15 years, the total loan amount is due back. If the title of the home transfers before 15 years, the total is due at the time of title transfer.
Opportunities For Middle Income Earners
For several decades the City of Boulder has created home buying opportunities for low to moderate-income households. More recently the focus has expanded to helping those with higher middle incomes.
Income Max (120% AMI)
1 Person | 2 People | 3 People | 4 People | 5 People | 6 People |
$122,640 | $140,160 | $157,680 | $175,200 | $189,240 | $203,280 |
Down Payment Assistance (H2O Loan Program)
The income limit for the down payment assistance program, House to Homeownership (H2O), has been expanded to 120% of the Area Median Income, see above chart. In addition, the amount available to participants has doubled and now allows loans of up to $100,000. This program offers a deferred payment second loan on a market rate home in Boulder.
Incomes as high as 120% of the Area Median Income, see above chart, are allowed for some homes in the Permanently Affordable Homes program. Homes targeted for middle-income households generally sell for around $275,000-$375,000. Homes in this program sell at below market rate prices and have restrictions intended to keep them affordable into the future. While the number of homes available is limited, the city is working to increase the inventory of homes for middle-income buyers through regulatory requirements and acquisition. Currently available opportunities will always be listed on the Homes for Sale page.
MetroDPA (Down Payment Assistance)
This regional program can provide a forgivable loan for up to 5% of the primary loans value to households earning up to $150,000. The MetroDPA Program is administered by the City and County of Denver, and the City of Boulder is a participating jurisdiction.
Housing Rehabilitation Program
The Housing Rehabilitation Program has been a partnership with the City of Longmont for many years and Longmont has helped the city support a regional approach to a home repair program. The city has recently learned that Longmont is not able to continue operating this program and we are looking at alternatives to support Boulder community members.
We appreciate your understanding and patience while we assess the best way to continue offering this service. Visit the Housing Rehabilitation Program webpage to find additional resources.
Housing Legacy Program
The Housing Legacy Program facilitates the donation or bequest of Boulder’s homeowners wishing to leave a legacy of affordable homeownership for the next generation.
Partner Programs
Buyers in our programs also may take advantage of these partner programs when buying a home.
Colorado Down Payment Assistance Fund
The Colorado Down Payment Assistance Fund provides up to a $25,000 loan at 0% interest to buyers in the City of Boulder. Applicants need to earn under 80% of the Area Median Income and will work with their lender to secure the loan. For more details contact the Impact Development Fund -
Income Max (80% AMI)
1 Person | 2 People | 3 People | 4 People | 5 People | 6 People |
$81,760 | $93,440 | $105,120 | $116,800 | $126,160 | $135,520 |
The MetroDPA Program is administered by the City and County of Denver, and the City of Boulder is a participating jurisdiction. MetroDPA makes available to income eligible buyers a forgivable loan for up to 5% of the primary loans value.
Match for Down Payment Savings (6 month lead time needed)
The Boulder County Personal Investment Enterprise program will give qualified applicants a $4 match for every dollar they save for down payment up to $1000 ($4000 match). Funds need to be saved in a special account and require a six-month saving period. For more information visit the county's website.