A sample mediation initiation letter. The sections in [brackets] should be updated with information specific to your mediation.


[Your name, address, phone number and email address]

[Other person’s name and contact information]

Dear [recipient's name],

I contacted the City of Boulder Community Mediation and Resolution Center (CMRC) and spoke to [CMRC contact person] regarding our disagreement. I explained that we have been unable to find a solution to our problem regarding [specific issues]. CMRC can arrange a mediation session on Zoom or in person to help us discuss the issues and try to reach an agreement. They will schedule a time that is convenient for both of us and the mediators will help us agree on what issues we want to discuss and the possible solutions. The service is free. The mediators are neutral and don’t take sides. If we find solutions that are acceptable to both of us the mediators will help us write up an agreement.

I would like to resolve this matter soon and in a way that would cause both of us the least amount of stress, time, and money. I hope you will consider mediating with [me/us]. If you have any questions about the process or the service, you can contact CMRC at 303-441-4364 or mediation@bouldercolorado.gov. More information is available on the city's website.

Please let me know by [date to respond] if you are interested in this option.

Sincerely, [Your name]