Tribal Representatives and city staff at The Peoples' Crossing during March 2023 Consultation

Tribal Representatives from Tribal Nations, City Council members and city staff pose for a picture in The Peoples' Crossing in west Boulder during a March 2023 consultation. Learn more about The Peoples' Crossing, a name that came as a result of the city's Indigenous Peoples Day Resolution.

The consultation was focused on the continued development of an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). City staff and community leaders also participated in site visits to city-managed open space to continue building relationships with Tribal Representatives and help guide future conversations with Tribal Nations. Staff also provided updates on city-Tribal Nation projects, including the Fort Chambers / Poor Farm Property Management Plan and ongoing work to develop an ethnographic-education report with Tribal Representatives.

During a site visit to The Peoples’ Crossing in west Boulder, Tribal Representatives and city staff removed inaccurate and dated signs as part of an ongoing collaborative effort to update Indigenous-related interpretative signage on city open space and continue fulfilling the Indigenous Peoples Day Resolution. City staff and Tribal Representatives also visited a Settler’s Park inscription – which has the former name for The Peoples’ Crossing – that remains on a concrete underpass tunnel structure in the area. City staff intend to remove the Settler's Park inscription and replace it with The Peoples' Crossing name.

The City of Boulder extends its gratitude to Tribal Representatives participating in the March consultation, and we look forward to continuing conversations to build and sustain long-term relationships with Tribal Nations.

Tribal Representatives and their children helped remove

Tribal Representatives and Comanche and Lakota children remove signs at The Peoples' Crossing during a March 2023 consultation. In February 2023, city staff received guidance from Tribal Representatives to remove those signs and replace them with new Indigenous interpretation and education as part of ongoing work to include Indigenous perspectives into our shared histories.

Tribal Representatives and their children, along with city staff and consultants, at The Peoples Crossing

Tribal Representatives, City Council members and city staff visited The Peoples’ Crossing in March 2023. The visit was part of ongoing city-Tribal Nation collaboration to develop new Indigenous education and interpretative materials for the area and to continue fulfilling the Indigenous Peoples Day Resolution.