Catch up on the exciting work that took place across the City of Boulder in 2023.

a row of multi-colored attached houses in Boulder

Housing and Human Services

From case management to crisis intervention, investments to eviction prevention, homeless services to affordable housing, Housing and Human Services connected people to the services they need to thrive in 2023.

Read more in the Housing and Human Services Year in Review

Climate Initiatives

a clover bee alighting on a purple prairie flower

From historic progress in our climate lawsuit to launching a podcast, the city continued work in 2023 to build a better climate future for people in Boulder and beyond.

Read more about a year of climate action in Boulder

Planning and Development Services

sweeping aerial view of boulder showing neighborhoods, streets and foothills in background

The city department dedicated to the built environment made progress on a number of projects to advance community goals in 2023.

Read more in the Planning and Development Services 2023 Year in Review

Flood Mitigation

aerial view of south boulder area by US 36 including small ponds

In 2023, the city made progress on several ongoing flood mitigation projects to help ensure the safety of our community.

Read more in the Flood Mitigation Project Roundup

Transportation and Mobility

A person putting a bike onto a bike rack on a bright orange bus.

In 2023, the city made strides in transportation projects to keep our community moving.

Read more in the 2023 Transportation and Mobility Snapshot.

Parks and Recreation

A teen on a mountain bike getting air time over a hill at Valmont Bike Park as onlookers watch

2023 was a year of planning and building for Boulder Parks and Recreation. Highlights from the year include the Court System Plan, the future Park on Valmont Avenue, the new bike trick jump at Valmont City Park, and the new restaurant facility at Flatirons Golf Course.

Explore the 2023 Boulder Parks and Recreation Annual Progress Report storymap