Climate actions that feel good and help us cope with a changing world.
Let's take action because it feels good.
The climate crisis can stir up many emotions, from determination and care to anxiety and grief. It’s also easy to feel like your actions don’t matter, especially when there are big systems to change. In truth, all climate actions add up, but their impact isn’t the only reason to act. Climate action also counteracts feelings of hopelessness and despair.
So, let’s act because it feels good. Let’s act because it’s a way to cope with the crisis we are living through. Here are some ways to grow climate joy.
Reconnect with the living world.
Spend time outdoors - whether in your backyard, at one of our local parks or on a trail. Go bird watching or wildflower searching. The more we pay attention to the living world around us, the more curious, compassionate and appreciative we become.

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to find joy. Consider starting a gratitude journal or making a habit of thanking the living systems that make life possible.
Start a garden or backyard compost pile.
Get your hands in some soil and plant a garden. Watch the magic of microbes in your backyard compost pile as they turn your food scraps and lawn trimmings into soil that can nourish your garden.

Check out Eco-Cycle’s guide for backyard composting basics.
Find others who care and lean on them.
Talk with family, friends and neighbors about the climate crisis. Create safe spaces that allow you and others to share feelings about the present and future. These connections help deepen our sense of belonging and build collective courage to keep moving forward.
There are many local opportunities to take action and connect with people who want to make our planet a healthier, more just place.
Attend a community science event hosted by Cool Boulder, or become an Eco-Cycle Eco-Leader and teach your neighbors about reuse.

Check out Cool Boulder calendar for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Make your voice heard.
Vote, join an activist group and write to your legislators. Enough voices can build a strong call to action that influences policy, business practices and our economic system.
Create and share art.
Paint your emotions on a canvas. Share climate-inspired music and poetry at an open mic or submit nature photography to a local contest. Art brings people together, helps us grapple with complex emotions and visualize a better future.

Learn new skills.
Learning how to use public transit, repair broken belongings and compost can be empowering and fun. You can also challenge yourself to try new recipes with plant-based ingredients or make homemade cleaning products from safe materials.
Have fun with it!
Host a zero-waste party, go to farmers' markets or hang clothes outside to dry. You’ll show off your style and save energy!
Remember, enjoying climate action is important for staying motivated. By finding joy, you'll be more likely to stick with new habits and build a resilient community around you.