OSMP revises guidance document for disposal/license requests

Here's some need-to-know information for the week

OSMP revises guidance document for disposal/license requests

Since 2015, OSMP staff have been working to revise a document that describes the process and the information that may be needed from individuals, agencies and companies who intend to submit a disposal or license request to utilize Open Space lands.

The Charter and Boulder Revised Code provide the policy for how requests for disposals or licenses are approved; this revised guidance document is intended to provide requestors with more details on the types of information the department may need in order to adequately assess the request and to ultimately prepare the request for board and council consideration.

Drafts of this revised guidance document have been discussed with the OSBT at various times over the past seven years and, at the March OSBT meeting, a final version was completed.

If you are interested, here is a link to the webpage where you can access the revised guidance document: Land Acquisition and Real Estate Services Program | City of Boulder (bouldercolorado.gov)

If you have additional questions, please contact Dan Burke, Open Space and Mountain Parks director, at burked@bouldercolorado.gov.


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