Here’s some need-to-know information for the week:

Office of Disaster Management (ODM) to launch optional texting service and improve language access during emergencies

The Boulder Office of Disaster Management (ODM) will soon add text messaging to the ways community members can choose to stay informed during a disaster. This is an enhancement to the current process, which relies heavily on the ODM website and social media.

The keyword text messaging system will only be used when the Emergency Operations Center is activated. This typically occurs for larger scale incidents that are likely to last some time and affect a large portion of the community. As a reminder, ODM, and its Emergency Operations Center function, supports both the City of Boulder and Boulder County.

The new system is not to be confused with the alert and warning system, which is how people receive emergency alerts directing them to take actions such as evacuate, climb to higher ground, or shelter in place. Instead, the new and optional keyword text messaging system will provide important information that may be helpful to know during a disaster. Examples of information that will be shared include incident updates, community resources, road closures, sheltering information, and information about other community impacts.

To start receiving ODM’s notification texts, users will need to text BOCOinfo to the number 888-777. The request only needs to be made once and will be in effect for any disaster in the city or county after that point, unless the person later opts out. The service is free, except for any data usage charges that might apply.

Texts will include a brief subject line, for example, Shelter Update, with a link that users will need to click to access the full message. The system does not have the ability to share maps or images. These visual resources will be available, as always, on ODM’s website. The messages will also now be available in over 100 different languages through an integration with the ReachWell Translation App. Community members who are interested in receiving this content in any of the available languages can learn more and download the translation app at Community members already receiving emergency alert notifications though ReachWell will need to add BOCOinfo to receive these new text messages. All information that is shared via text messages will continue to be available on ODM’s website which can be found at, ODM’s Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages.

The only expense associated with this messaging system is for the ReachWell Translation App, which will cost ODM $8,500 per year plus a one-time set up fee of $1,500. This expense is being shared equally between the City of Boulder and Boulder County.

While the texting system has some technical limitations (such as requiring recipients to click a link to get to the full message and to visit the ODM website for images), we believe the enhanced messaging will help us make this timely information more accessible and inclusive for all community members.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Communications Manager Shannon Aulabaugh at or Communication and Engagement Director Sarah Huntley at



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