Prairie dog lethal control application submitted 

Here’s some need-to-know information for the week

Prairie dog lethal control application submitted 

Planning & Development Services has received an application for a prairie dog lethal control permit on private property. The application is for the trapping and euthanization of approximately 220 prairie dogs on 11 acres of private land in the city.

Pursuant to policy, notice of the application will be sent to several interest groups on April 5, and will be posted in the Daily Camera on Sunday, April 4, under the "Legals" section. A 60-day comment period will begin on April 5 and will end at 5 p.m. on June 3. The purpose of the comment period is to solicit feedback from the public on possible relocation alternatives.  

The city’s Wildlife Ordinance requires that these permit applications remain confidential and that the name of the property owner and the location of the property not be released to the public.

Since the permitting program went into effect in 2005, the city has issued 12 lethal control permits for private landowners. 

For more information, call Val Matheson, Urban Wildlife Conservation Coordinator, at 303-441-3004. 


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